If Next Year Could Be Year 2022 Again... [WE 134]

In two days time, it will be a new year and I'm yet to write all I want to get written for my new year goals but I'm deciding to choose a topic from the weekend-engagement that isn't one to choose easily considering the fact that we've all had our own share of this passing year and can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us.

Image is mine and designed here

Believe me, I would be more than happy to be part of everyone else who would be seeing the new year (2023) but seeing that question from the weekend , I thought and I quote...

What if I have to choose a past year to be my next year?

It has got to be Year 2022 - A year I feel I can have a repeat of but of course with some changes to make. It's a year I've been through and I know some mistakes I made, some things I failed to do that would have helped my new year even go smoother. Getting a chance to relive the year would be one I won't take for granted.

Why Year 2022?

It's simple, this year has been one of the best years in my life with little regrets. Of course, there are no perfect years in one's life but there is always those years that one had less regrets, some achievements and lots of reasons to be grateful for.

In this year, my dad moved us to a better apartment

A picture I took outside our apartment

We've lived in our old place for ages, I think it was since I was around 4-5 years. My joy knew no bound when dad suggested and brought it to reality that we would and we moved into a new apartment. It's been a great new experience for me and I simply love the fact that I'm getting to know new faces and have new experiences.

I would still be very much happy for my dad's decision if the year was have a repeat

In this year, I got a new phone

A get together picture I took with my phone

My old phone didn't make things easy for at all until I got a new phone with my own money, which I earned from blogging here on Hive. It's been from one good experience to another with my new phone and I don't miss out on so many opportunities like I did before with my old phone in the previous years.

I would be a little patient and get a more nicer phone if this year was to have a repeat.

In this year, my birthday was so simple

My birthday hangout place this year

If I was to choose my most memorable birthday, this year's own wouldn't be it but considering the fact that it happened in a year I wish to have a repeat of but in a better way, this birthday has got to be chosen.

I would have a little bit extravagant one by doing things I couldn't do if this year was to have a repeat.

In this year, I gained more knowledge on my Hive account

Even though I joined Hive last year April, I didn't get to know a lot of things about Hive until it was half into this year. I wish I knew better and earlier to grow my account in the most healthiest way but no much regret since this year will be having a repeat huh?! Lol

I would be serious with my investment strategy if this year was to have a repeat.

In this year, I lost a friend

This was the most saddest part of my Year 2022 but yes, I would still want this year to be next year if I am to choose but I would do something different this time around. My friend died after many weeks of not checking up on him, in as much as I can't save his life since everyone dies when it's their turn, I would like to be by his side in his last moments unlike how it was this year.

I would part with my friend with no guilt feeling if this year was to have a repeat

There are so many other reasons I would choose this year over others if I was given the opportunity and one of them is also to live my age again (I DON'T WANT TO GROW OLD) πŸ˜‚ It's funny how I hate to remind myself of my new age, can't believe another birthday is approaching.

Wishing for the new year to be another Year 2022 is simply done without the knowledge of how next year would really be and I did it for fun too... We all wish for a better and greater year ahead.

This is my entry to The Weekend Engagement and you're invited to join in.

All images used in this post are mine

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