[Week 134 New Year Edition] Weekend-Engagement

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man or woman.

- Benjamin Franklin -

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Happy Friday, I hope you all have a great weekend ahead, the last for 2022. Here's a few suggestions for something to write about over the weekend, see below for the options and write your post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community and follow the guidelines below. original image source


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☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag so I can find your entry
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
☑️ Use photos you took where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close at 06:30 UTC Monday 2 January (Link to UTC converter)


Don't write lengthy summaries of my questions to use up the word count - just write your post in answer to the question you choose to respond to.

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Looking back and ahead (one)

Was there something you did in 2022 that positively changed your thoughts and attitudes and which you'll carry forward into 2023? What is it and how will carrying it forward make 2023 a good, or better, year? Write at least 350 words.

Looking back and ahead (two)

What strategies have you come up with to ensure 2023 is a great year for you? Do you have any set goals and, if so, what plans have you laid to bring them to fruition? I don't mean hopes and dreams here, I mean set goals. Share one or two and the plans you have to bring to reality. Write at least 350 words.

New Years Eve celebrations

What are you doing (or did you do if you're reading this after it happened) for New Years Eve? Did you host or attend a party, spend it with family and friends or just stay home and go to bed early? Tell us about it, but ensure any images you use for this post are ones taken on the night or that you took them yourself. Write at least 300 words.

Your choice of year

If the new year ahead could be any year of your own life (instead of 2023) which would you choose and why? Explain your answer in at least 350 words and use images you took yourself if possible.

The one on New Year's Eve

If you could spend New Years Eve with only one person (other than your friends, partner or family) who would that be and why, and tell us what the evening would be like. Explain your answer in at least 350 words and remember, your current friends, partner and family are excluded.

If you haven't read and complied with the guidelines I suggest you do or your post will be ignored.

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Curation may happen, but only on quality original content that meets the concept guidelines above, and the community rules. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the community and to find and build new relationships.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

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