To live in my very own Walden: A not-so-distant dream

Hello, weekenders! Maria here joining the weekend engagement writing initiative hosted by @galenkp for the first time.

When I saw the Week 142 prompts today, I instantly had an answer in mind. So if I'm asked to choose between living in a small shack on and idyllic beach or a cabin in the woods, I'd take the latter anytime.

My Inspirations

We all have a dream or a vision on how we'd spend the rest of our lives when we grow old and gray. Mine was to live in my very own Walden. Surrounded by trees and the sound of nature, where I could freely write, read and do as I please.

The inspiration to this dream was a combination of two. The first was when I came across a book by Henry David Thoreau. Walden (first published as Walden; or, Life in the Woods) is a series of essays about the Thoreau's experiences over the course of two years, two months, and two days in a self-built cabin near Walden Pond. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't a hardcore hermit. He was still meeting people every now then. But it was in nature where he found life's meaning.

The second still came from a book — this time by L.M Montgomery. While Walden gave me an idea on how I want to live, Anne of Green Gables, my favorite of all time, gave me a visualization of who I want to be, or at least try to become.

My Ideal Life in the Woods

For the past six years, I have gone from an aloof introvert to an outdoorsy introvert. This change allowed me to expand my understanding of life and everything in it. Hence, if I could build a home in the woods, that would be a perfect meeting place of my two loves.

In the woods, I could be one with nature. I'd hang a hammock where I could watch the sun rise and the stars at night. The forest will be my shield from the city noise. Here, I'd live my fantasy and be like Ann-with-and-E. I would look at things from a different perspective, and name landscapes like the White Way of Delight, the Lake of Shining Waters, Lover's Lane, the Birch Path, and such. As lunatic as that may sound, I wish to live in a place where I could be free-spirited without being judged by others.

In this home in the woods, I'd bring my books and all my scraps. I would build bookshelves and a nook where I could read, write, journal and daydream. It would just be me and the love of my life. A dog and cat would be lovely companies too. Here, we'd talk about random things over a cup of coffee, or take a dip in nearby streams. We'd also install wifi because — realistically — we still need work to sustain this lifestyle. We'd fill this home with laughter and plans for the next big trip. We'd invite families and friends from time to time and have them experience the beauty of nature.

If time and money permits, this will be how I'd love to spend my life. Who knows? Maybe in the near future, right? Thanks for reading this far. I hope you enjoyed it. ☺️

Hello! I'm Maria, a hopeless romantic who travels in pages and places. I hope to share my love for words and the world with you here in HIVE.

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