Week 218: Good person..?



Week 218

Good person...Would you desribe yourself as a good person and if so explain why with examples and how being that way has worked positively for you or to your detriment. Use your own photos.


For me, being a good person has always been fundamental, because for me, good things always attract good things, and even if people don't value them, that doesn't speak badly of you, but of them. So, yes, I feel that the positive things I've had in my life are thanks to the good vibes that one transmits, without judging, without being predisposed to anything, without underestimating people's knowledge, since we all learn from each other.

Without a doubt, if I consider myself a good person, I can't deny that there are people who try to take advantage of you, so it's essential that you don't be stupid, because many think that being good is synonymous with being stupid or letting yourself be trampled on by others, and that's not the case either. You must learn to filter out that type of people a little, although I consider that they themselves are leaving our lives and more people are entering who are on the same wavelength as us.


I see life as a magnet or a reflection of who you are, how you perceive yourself, and how much you think you are worth or deserve, so to really be a good person you must first heal your doubts and insecurities so that no one takes advantage of you and so that you do not act badly out of ignorance thinking that you are acting well.



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