[WE 165] Getting rid of some bad habits

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog and happy weekend to you all, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend with your loved ones. This is my participation to the #weekend-engagement week #165. Thanks to @galenkp for this great initiative.


When we look into our life, it is really easy to fall into the temptation of the bad habits, everyone have fall into one or two bad habit that they are trying to break free from it and some did not even try to but the truth is that to break from bad habit is no really easy.

There are some bad habits that we think is harmless in the first place but later become a serious matter that is hard to deal with.

Even though some bad habits are so hard to break from but at the same time if we try to focus on the good habits, these bad habits might not go completely but it will reduce, and with time we can end up free from those bad habits.

These are the two bad habit that I will like to break free from. The first one is doing my thing at the last minute and the second one is keeping around me people who doesn't appreciate me.

*Leaving things to the last minute is what I doing most of the time, I really didn't see it at something serious but later discovered that it is more worst than procrastination and more of nonchalant attitude.

I think I'm being thoughtful because when I want to do it, it boost my energy to rush the things I have to do and I think it makes me feel good when I do things in a hurry but when I started to lose many things I see that it's really a bad habit, I even lose a job opportunity because of it and after this I started to look for a way to break free from it.

I start to do preplanning before the main task begin and this will give me enough time to do things on time even before the deadline and I think I'm breaking free from this habit gradually.

*Keeping around me people who doesn't appreciate me is another this I do the most, I don't really care of they hurt me or not in as much as they are happy. All I thought is that their happiness matter most bit when I was hurt beyond normal, I decided to give it another though and put my happiness above others.

At first it is really hard because I think I wouldn't have people around me anymore but when I look at the other side of it, I think it is better to be alone that to be around people who doesn't appreciate you at all. Instead I make friends with people who appreciate me for who I am and doesn't look down on me and make me feel underestimated.

We can counter bad habit with it's opposite, who care if few people leave your life when you have a lot of people who will lift your potential.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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