Supporting From The Sidelines: My Friends' Chess Tournament


Photo By @callmesmile

On December 16 to 17 the Municipality of San Remegio hosted a chess tournament which enticed the interests of various chess players beginners or experts alike. The three of us @penflecto and @tomilee were invited by @indayclara to join the tournament. We were very excited to test our skills on different people whom we'd never met before. But unfortunately when I went to tell my mother that there'd be a tournament and I wanted to join, she refused because as I mentioned earlier it is a two day tournament so it's already given that I have to stay over at ma'am Clara's place. I was mad that she didn't let me join the tournament though I still understood her feelings as San Remegio was extremely far away from where we live and my mom has always been pretty strict about things since I was young.

Photo By @callmesmile

But fortunately on the second day of the tournament @callmesmile was going to San Remegio to get some books ma'am Clara wanted to give and I was invited to tag along. But of course I first had to ask permission from my mother and fortunately she said yes. Saying that "as long as you take care of yourself and get back before 9 PM then I don't see any problems with that". I was delighted by those words and immediately took a shower and packed my things to get ready to go meet ma'am Smile to go. And after commuting and getting lost a couple of times we finally arrived at ma'am Clara's place which we then received a warm welcome.

Photo By @indayclara

Shortly after we arrived and had our afternoon meal we immediately headed to the Sports Complex where the tournament was held.

Photo By @indayclara

After we arrived in the Sports Complex my friends immediately started they're game heck they were even 15 minutes late😂. And since they've started they're games and ma'am Clara and Smile were also busy taking pictures I decided to watch other peoples games and how different they play compared to us. And in just a few minutes of watching other peoples games I was shocked by how differently they played compared to us. There were moves that I didn't even know you can do and the most important thing of all, THE SOUND OF THE CHESS CLOCK WHEN YOU SMACK IT the sound is just so gooood that I wished I was able to play myself🥺.

Photo By @indayclara

After the two of them finished their games the three of us decided to watch other peoples games and share some insights about them which we usually do. We all had a lot of fun doing so gaining more knowledge about the game through the veterans playing their own games. And after some time watching other peoples games it was already time to announce the winners.

Photo By @indayclara

Unfortunately among the two of them only @penflecto got an award ranking 50th among 60 other players in his own division of 12 above 17 getting him a bronze medal. While @tomilee was ranked 38 among 51 also in his own division of people 18 and above but unfortunately only the top ten were awarded a medal so he didn't get any. But overall in my own point of view, they did pretty well especially among 60ish or so people even receiving a medal plus it was their first time too. Though I'd wish I was also able to enter but I'm not saying if I were to have entered then I would have placed higher but I would've gained a lot of experience too for the future to improve my own game.

Photo By @indayclara

Overall I'd say that it was a lot of fun. We all had our own gains on this trip to this chess tournament. Win or lose in the end we especially them still had a lot of experiences that we gained and as long as were having as much fun as possible that's all there is to it and will ever be. So that's about it for this blog I hope you enjoyed reading till the end. Thank you for all those people who've made it till the end I really appreciate everything I hope you all have a nice day!

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