Physical Health and Self Care By Juva || Weekend-Engagement writing topics #163

"It may be difficult for an egg to become a bird: it would be much more difficult for it to learn to fly without ceasing to be an egg. We are like eggs nowadays. And you can't go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad."
- C. S. Lewis -

Hello beautiful people of @WeekendExperiences, Happy day, afternoon or evening to all (depending on where you are).
The weekend is gone and I almost forgot to upload my participation to this week's initiative proposed by our friend @galenkp, whom I thank for choosing such interesting topics, besides apologizing for the date and time of uploading my publication. You will notice that I also used the same C.S Lewis tape because of the relation with the chosen topics, it is a relief for me to remember to participate :)

We usually focus on luxuries and comforts that take us away from our physical and mental health and we forget to take care of our most precious treasure, our body.
I know that many of us are forced to comply with some daily routine for not wanting to "get tired", sometimes we fail to have the willpower to start doing some simple squats and we leave it for "later", which clearly is "never", so answering one of the questions of the weekly initiative and if I could have a person at my disposal would undoubtedly be a personal trainer, as this would help me to have more consistency and discipline when it comes to train my body.
To make it less strict and more voluntary it would have to be dynamic where my trainer would take me by surprise at any time of the day when I am not busy.
Some crunches, planks, squats, and some surprise workouts wouldn't go amiss.

I suppose being a professional trainer would also help me cover the healthy eating part, helping me prepare delicious balanced and nutritious recipes to keep my skin, teeth and organs in good shape, plus these meals would boost my immunity and reduce the risk of disease. Not to mention the mental benefits that a constant healthy and fun routine can achieve, just imagine how isolated from the toxicity of the brain I could be! Zero harmful and self-destructive bad thoughts that only de-motivate.
If I could really have a personal fitness trainer at my disposal I would want her to be a woman, (I'm not being exclusive!) it's just that being a woman would be a clear and precise example of what I would like to achieve as a result of my efforts.
If she were a trainer of the same gender as me, she would most likely know some helpful tips and secrets such as exercises and positions to reduce menstrual cramps, enhance the femininity of my features or even yoga positions to connect with my inner "me".

Based on this I would like to clarify that I do not consider self-care to be a selfish act, on the contrary! It is a very important act of self-love and love for others. Keeping yourself healthy is something that brings with it an increase of years more to live, which represents extra quality moments surrounded by your loved ones.
If we talk about personal care less focused on health, it can be said that no one is wrong to want to look good, we all have always wanted to look impeccable and radiant in terms of our physique, wear a good brand shirt with good fabric, a totally clean shoes, have clean and shiny nails and hair does not prevent us from also wanting to see other people impeccable and radiant. Fellowship and equality should never be lost, even if we know that we look enviable.

I confess that I am sorry that I have not been consistent in a routine of personal care since I am just overcoming a depressive situation where I did not care if I was healthy or not, even I bathed only by the obligation of having to do it, not for pleasure, like food; And although they were difficult moments that I do not want to repeat ever does not mean that I am completely overcome but the attitude and the desire to get ahead are what help me to improve and achieve that version of me that I need so much.
At the end of the day we can look very handsome and beautiful, elegant, shiny and neat, be in shape and maintain a very good health, but none of that will be of much help as it really is to take care of what shapes us, what we carry inside, feelings, values and the soul itself, That's what it's all about, that's the real care we must take.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read me and I wish you a Happy beginning of the week. Blessings to all and see you in the next post, bye, bye:)

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