A splendid day everyone!

It's been a while and have been on hiatus for a few days due to a lot of work at home and in school. I have been suffering from stress and the result is my eyes are in pain that needs medical attention.

So anyway, today let's continue the adventure in the amazing Tabogon! From my previous blog about Lapos-Lapos Cave, which was the last cave that we have explored. This time I will share with you our first cave exploration at DOSE CUARTOS CAVE.


One of the hidden gems in Tabogon is cave. Plenty of beautiful caves we can find here and only a few people know this maybe because people don't appreciate nature or they are just at home with their gadgets. But for us explorers, this kind of creation should be and must be visited because of its uniqueness and deserves to be preserved.


One of the farthest places so far we have walked. Even the striking heat of the sun touched our faces, still, the determination to arrive at the expected time was our goal so that we could reach another cave.


While on the trail, I found myself idling and reflecting on what could be my next move so I could gain air and endurance while we were ascending. My legs have to be strong as it's holding my whole body and the entire world. Afterward, we have to continue in order to succeed in this quest.


After an exhausting walk, we're finally here! This small opening is the entrance of the majestic cave. But...




I can't believe my eyes! A wide range of openings until I saw a high ceiling of the cave. Unending WOW was uttered. There were holes in every corner where we had to be extra careful because one wrong move could risk our lives. Risk takers as we are, we have to explore every room of this so-called Dose Cuartos.

Dose Cuartos means twelve (12) rooms as the cave has several compartments. Eventually, we visited only a few of the rooms.





If you're afraid of the dark, better not go. Good thing we have a boy scout who always brings a flashlight with him that illuminates our way. Anyway, the path to going there seems scary and dark! Also, slippery due to the moisture coming from the ceiling. As I descended to a certain room, believe it or not, I had to lower my body and I was like in a sitting position when I went down.

The area was previously blasted by the people who wanted to take all the gems inside the cave. It has a trace of burned materials and scattered stones. This should not be blasted but rather preserved because it is the pride of our place so we have to keep our place amiable and as much as possible never touch its natural stalagmites and stalactites.


I found this on the ground where people tried to take this gem. I know it can be sold, however, it is not ours so I put it back where I got it. Hundreds of years to create this kind of jewel and with just a snap of a finger everything is gone because of own interest.





As we went beyond, spotted this stalagmites which was so big! Various forms are evident on the ceiling. It has a sharp and rough type. I tried to find some moist but I see none.


As I gazed at the ceiling, I was a bit frightened because of these holes. Actually, there were many of them. It's where the bat nestled (it's like an owl looking at me😁. It's amazingly great how small creatures make their home to live.




As we went to another room, I saw this water about to drop, seemingly freezing with a tiny formation of stalactites.










After exploring the darkness of the cave, we decided to come out and free ourselves from the darkest thing we could ever imagine. Also, the tiny noise of the bats and the aroma of the ground.

The best view our eyes can have after the dim experience. We scrutinized every corner of the cave. As I've touched it, the roughness of the rock seems sturdy. It has a different texture from the rock we have seen outside.





We went to the top of the cave to see the paradisiacal view the place has to offer. The fulfillment and happiness I felt as I surpassed the obstacles along our way and overcame my fear of darkness. There's nothing I can compare with this kind of fulfillment.


Another fulfilling feeling was the bond we have as friends/hike buddies/colleagues and co-bloggers. It's different when we interact with each other in an adventure rather than in the workplace. More exhausting adventure with you guys!


That's all for today hivers. Have a great day!

~I joBEElieve I can, so you can!πŸ˜‰

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