Take Me On A Journey In Music

Create A Mood Or Capture A Memory

Small cheat I have added 26 minute Instrumental Show, no matter the age all will enjoy, takes you off wanting to dance or tapping your way to exciting places through sound.


Music never ages, musicians do, close your eyes listen to a tune, let your mind take you to places where you don't need words to draw a conclusion. Envision where you wish to go through sound.

The Shadows - Instrumental Show

Tracks: Shadoogie, Dance On, Wonderful Land, The Savage, Sleepwalk, Apache, Foot Tapper, Shindig, F.B.I.

From these tracks, Apache is the one that really reawakens feelings, imagination, mood, movement. Apache with Burt Lancaster or perhaps too many John Wayne action movies at the local cinema theatre influences my selection.

Surfing early waves of hip-hop using Fender guitars, my guitar silently weeps some may remember, instruments used to evoke feelings deep within.

Apache music revives deep memory instilled, a childhood memory playing with bows and arrows around our back garden, bare foot and wild!

Cowboys and Indians of the Americas through film became the theme of much fun, sounding out tunes from the movies, when games were in full swing. Reenactment with some wearing feathered headdress, the other a hat with cap gun, no laws stopped children being children, sand building barricades in the garden was all one may have been answerable for to the parents.

My personal favourite from exceptionally young, sixty years ago, played over modern transitor radio broadcast towers of the day, or families old valve radio a chunky cabinet with radio and record player within, songs played daily of which the Shadows were one of my earlier memories in music on radio.

Listen to them then, still enjoy them today perhaps in a slightly different light, needlessly still the same gusto of enjoyment.

Dang now I wish I had sixty years to listen to each song all over again, provoking, stimulating inner freedoms once enjoyed, taken for granted. We are who we are because we were allowed to be.


No Words, Just Music - entry to #Weekend-Experience 146 Have Fun!

Thought for Today: "A deaf ear is followed by death and an ear that listens is followed by blessings." - African Proverb





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