She's such a weido, No! She's not.


Is there something strange about you? How would you even know if it is strange?
Do people find it weird and unusual?

I've had to think about myself so I would be able to answer the first question for this weekend's challenge. I've thought about it and I find a few things which I feel are weird. But is it really weird? I would like you to confirm that for me. Hehe


When I'm nervous, I speak loudly.

There are times I would feel anxious about something, and at that moment, if someone walks up to me to ask me something related to what's I'm anxious about it something entirely different, instead of answering calmly and with a normal voice, I notice that the volume increases from 10 to 80%. Even as I type, I'm still trying to figure out why it happens that way, however, I'm not getting it.
These have happened on several occasions, but I can't recall them all now.

I talk to myself to relieve stress.

Just a few minutes ago, I was saying some things that were stressing me out. I was saying it myself, however, hubby was also in the living and it made him feel like I was complaining a lot about an issue he has no control over.

what was the issue hubby had no control over?

The owner of the apartment we live in called me when I was about to step out earlier last week. She told me that the percentage of the prepaid meter has reduced and would get used up soon, so I had to inform hubby that it was time to pay the usual amount to the person who recharges the meter for us. When the landlady spoke with me, she sounded like we were the only ones left. The following day, I got the money and gave it to her. Two days later, I noticed that our light went off while others in the area had light. I kept wondering why it went off, not until I went to her to confirm, then she said that it's just remaining a tenant. Ever since then till now, we still don't have light, and others in the area have light. No one has contributed money to buy fuel for a while and because of that, water has not been pumped. I've had to go to the next street several times to fetch water, because of the weight of the big buckets on my head, my neck now aches, I'm not talking about the stress of finding a way to charge my phone(a story for another day), it has been so stressful, annoying and frustrating for me. I kept talking to myself and expressing how I was feeling with the hope that those hormones would be released, unfortunately, hubby felt I was complaining too much.

Lucas Pezeta

When I'm overthinking, I bit my nails.

This one happens almost all the time, I feel I think a lot because I have no nails in my fingers, they are as short as anyone you can think of LOL.

Kat Smith

My palms are always filled with sweat whenever I'm writing.

This is something that has been going on with me since I was younger.
There were times the principal of my school would call me to tell my parent to take me for prayers because the sweaty palms could be related to something that has to do with marine spirit (what da hell. Funny enough the sweat sometimes goes to every other part of my body. I may be sitting in a place with several other people but I will be the only one sweating. Not like the environment is hot

Alexander Krivitskiy

Still back to school day, we were all in the class and activity was ongoing.
Each student was called upon to say something like an introduction about themselves. As other students went to the front to say theirs, I was already arranging all that I had to say in my head, I felt very confident tho. However, for no reason at all, I was soaked with sweat from my face to leg, some of the sweat had dropped on the floor and had made the floor wet. The English teacher who decided to sit beside me on that day saw that the floor was wet when I got up to go introduce myself.

Jessica! What happen, did you pee?

No I did not, it's just sweat, I said
already feeling embarrassed.

I'm glad you stopped by today🙂


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