My perfect weekend at the Kompas Hotel in Kranjska Gora

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great weekend. A few weeks ago, I spent the weekend in Kranjska Gora, in Slovenia, and I am happy to share my experience with you today. Every stay in this country is a pleasant experience for me and remains a fond memory.


For me, perfection is in simplicity and that's why I love Slovenia. It's a simple country that works very well and where everything seems perfect and well organized, the environment, the culture, and the people. Wherever you turn around you will see a clean environment, beautiful nature that people take care of, people who greet you with a smile and respect.



When we arrived at the Kompas Hotel, I really liked the surroundings.


The room we got was spacious and very comfortable and had a great view of the greenery.


The hotel provides all facilities for a perfect vacation. It is very well maintained and has a warm atmosphere that makes you feel at home.


I especially liked spending time in the pool and hot jacuzzi with hydro massagers.


As a foodie, gastronomic experiences were very important to me. The food in the hotel was varied and tasty.


I am not a fan of sausages, but in Kranjska Gora you must try them because they are fantastic.


The whole area is known for good sausages. Food is love and a weekend filled with good food is always special for me.

During the weekend in Kranjska Gora, I especially enjoyed the evening walks when the day calmed down. I expected it to be crowded, but people get tired during sports activities during the day and fall asleep as soon as it gets dark.


I loved walking through the empty streets, wet from the rain.




I was also happy that during the weekend I was breathing fresh and clean air, and enjoying the amazing nature that I wrote about in my previous posts.

But one interesting moment happened that I will remember for the rest of my life, which marked the weekend and left wonderful impressions. As it was the May Day holiday, according to the tradition, before the first day of May, fires are lit in all the villages.


People gather around the fire, listen to music, drink and eat and look at its flames in the most relaxed atmosphere I have ever experienced.


I have never seen a simpler and more beautiful gathering. You could feel the happiness in the air and the joy of all the people who respect this tradition and celebrate life. They danced and sang, grateful for everything that life has given them and will give them.








The children carelessly rolled and lay on the grass, ran in the meadow below the snowy peaks of the Alps, and rejoiced without any expectations. Looking at them, I realized for the umpteenth time, happiness takes a little.


Happiness requires only freedom in a healthy environment where true values ​​are respected and where life is considered a gift.

The recent tragedy in my city that took the children's lives speaks volumes about the unhealthy environment in which the society of my country has fallen, but I saw a glimmer of hope there in Kranjska Gora where children are still children. Now the memory of the weekend spent there is a bright spot and hope for a better tomorrow.

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.



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