(WE90) Weekend / Jcchelme and his irritating habits.

Writing here about my habits or hobbies should be relatively easy, but ...
There are things about me that get on the nerves of those around me. I wanted to answer this question so I can understand what the poor things must endure. After this I'm going to commiserate with them.
Maybe it will be a little uncomfortable, but I will still go ahead.

Option one: You're strange
Name and explain some of your personality quirks, strange habits or oddities that other people may find strange, weird, funny or just plain unusual. Tell us about any moments in which they may have caused humour, embarrassment or just came in useful. It's about you, so simply write what you feel is right and you wish to share.

Chew gum vigorously

Source Pixabay, users RobinHiggins

It's a habit that might go unnoticed, but many people don't like it at all. Add to that the fact that I make too much noise when I chew, which causes them to yell at me:
Stop chewing gum so loudly, you look like a cow!!!!
But I can't help it, I love doing it that way or I don't enjoy it. The only reason why I throw a gum in my mouth is to make that noise, it fascinates me 🤤.

Smelling the garden

Source Pixabay,users lubovlisitsa

This may seem quite normal, but I have taken it to the next level.
It's a habit I've created because in the evenings you can smell the garden giving off a very particular scent. Not only the flowers, but you can also smell the soil and the pile of snails that my father has in his garden.
Then, one night it occurred to me to do the usual, but while sniffing I got an insect in my nose. Which gave me a terrible allergy, all day long with tissues 😅

Talking to my pets (including cats, dogs, chickens and snails)

Source Pixabay,users ZigmarsBerzins

I do it every day, I have had cats since I was a little girl. Since I've been rescuing animals from the street, I've gotten into the habit of talking to them. They always tell me I sound like the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons.
I ask them a question and they answer me. Obviously I'm the one who answers, but with a different cat voice XD

Talking to myself out loud

Source Pixabay,users mohamed_hassan

This one is funny, one day my sister told me that when she visited my house she noticed that every time I go to do some chore. I start talking out loud what I have to do, for example:

Juany you must clean the kitchen, but remember we ran out of grease remover, you should have bought one yesterday. Well, I'd better get on with the laundry and then the dishes.
That should only be in my mind, not spoken at the top of my lungs for others to laugh at me 😬.

Another question I want to answer, although I don't know if it's allowed and I'll ask it anyway is:

Option five: Lost it
Have you removed a habit, strange personality quirk or oddity over the years? What did you used to do, but do not do anymore. What prompted you to make the change, how did you make it and what benefits have you gained or lost?

Source Pixabay, users rkarkowski

I miss her so much, but she left because of me.
I used to have the peculiarity of some days locking myself in a room completely in the dark with no outside noise at all. I would then set out to sleep and rest my mind. I did this once a week in a room without a window and in the daytime, but there was no sunlight.

Unfortunately about 8 years ago after some problems in my life, I acquired a phobia of darkness and closed spaces. It is totally impossible for me to sleep with the light off, if that happens I go into a very strong panic crisis.
It is really something horrible, I have never treated that problem, so I lost a habit that made me rest a lot.

Well as you can read I am a strange case.
I guess I am quite irritating and thanks to the Weekend Engagement I have proven it to the fullest.

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