Growing Older - Weekend-Engagement #215

Hello, guys!

Another weekend has come and it's timeeee...

Are you worried about growing older from a looks and financial security perspective? Explain - Use your own photos.

Hmmm... This topic actually hits me.

A week ago, I moved from what I've called home my whole life to a new place... I came to a new city looking for a better life, new opportunities to be financially settled.

However, this might take a bit since I've to wait for some situations to be solved, like my uncle's surgery.

But, getting back to the question, I do get worried about growing older from my looks. I don't feel like I'm a beauty or gorgeous person, I've many insecurities. Sometimes, I don't like my body or my face. It's something I've been dealing with since I was a teenager, although I've been trying to give myself more credit for the person I've become.

Right now, I'm financially broke. I have no job and I'm living with my sister. But this might not last forever. It's just momentarily. After my uncle's surgery, I have to find a job since I will have to pay rent, and I'm worried because I don't know if I will be able to get a great income so I can live decently.

I'm worried because I don't know what will happen in the next five months, or if I'll be a good-looking person to get a boyfriend or girlfriend... Who knows?

All I know is that I'm 31 years old, and I never thought this would be my life... and you would say: you are young... But I feel like soon I'll be 32, and life does not stop. So, it's time to work in me and my sanity.

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