Getting Better

The last two days have been pretty rough.
A horrible sored throat that made me feel my left ear was about to explode has kept me down. To make matters worst the cheapest antibiotics I could find, a generic one, was also of the old-fashioned kind. It had been a while since I last saw these pills come in glass container. Also, it had been a while since I last saw pills so freaking big. Not the best choice when your throat is swollen and hypersensitive.


I had a series of tests done early today and then I went to the ENT doctor. I was anticipating something really bad because I had never felt a pain so brutal and intrusive. Every time I had to swallow, even water, a sharp pain would radiate to my left ear and the back of my neck. Migraines hit hard yesterday evening and I had not slept at all.

Ironically, the doctor did not find anything particularly alarming. Lab results were normal and the larynx was the only thing that looked irregularly swollen, but improving.

It was good to hear that, but also disconcerting. I have to take antibiotics for a few more days and the doctor prescribed a shot to help accelerate the healing of the throat.


I have already missed the first week of classes. Hopefully, I'll be able to start next week.

Thanks for stopping by


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