Is this my best life? | Weekend-Engagement #166


I think this is the moment when I start to question my whole life, to think about the good things and the bad things.

When I read the question, I must admit, the automatic answer was "no", but it would not be fair of me not to think it through, not to look at both sides of the coin. Even if the answer is still "no", I believe that we should be grateful with our experiences and recognize our achievements.


Starting with my childhood, I didn't have super attentive parents, and besides, they were always working. But I did have a wonderful grandmother who, although she wasn't the most loving in the world, and I'm talking about giving hugs and that sort of thing, she was very loving in her own way.

Her love language was "acts of service". She was always attentive to me, made sure I had eaten on time, made me delicious home-cooked meals, washed my clothes if they were dirty, and in short indulged me in everything in her power. You might think those are normal things a grandmother would do, but I understood that this was her way of loving and showing her love. That and keeping me company


When I was a teenager I felt alone and sad most of the time, for many reasons.... Because I felt I had no real friends, because my parents argued a lot to the point of physical violence, among other things; but nowadays I am very happy with a boyfriend who loves and respects me, in a very healthy relationship. I find myself happy with amazing friends who came at the best time.

I accomplished my goal of graduating from college on time, although not in a career that I am passionate about.

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I have lived through many unfortunate things, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. Thanks to them I am who I am now. Thanks to everything I have lived through, I have matured and learned many things. Maybe they were not the best circumstances, but what's done is done, it's over and now I see the world with a different perspective.

I am grateful for everything I have lived through.

And now, with certainty, after my reflection, I answer @galenkp 's question that, it has not been my best life.


There are still so many things I want to do, things I want to learn, so many goals and dreams to accomplish.

I am still in the process of getting to know myself, in the process of embracing the security I need.

I have not yet built my home, where I will heal the karmas of my ancestors, where I will make things right for a happy, respectful, fun, understanding and healthy home.

I still have new foods to try, new places to visit...

I have yet to discover new and true passions.

I have yet to be the best version of me, which I'm slowly getting there, but I'm not done.

So no. It's not my best life, however, I am grateful for it.

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