Operation storage racks

It's a beautiful day here today, a decent weather day and a Sunday. There was no sleep in today though - I was up super-early for HiveFest day two and clicked into the virtual world bright and early, hit the main stage area for a bit and went off to the lobby for some chatting with a few other hivers I came across. I didn't linger too long though...My Sunday was calling.

I've just moved houses which always causes disruption and disorganisation. We're still in that stage to be honest, although slowly we're getting things squared away. The good part is we're keeping the other house and there's been no need to move everything all at once. We're creeping up on it slowly and doing it in nice easy stages.

Today we initiated operation storage racks

I'm an organised guy and like a place for everything and everything in its place. My workshop is neat (usually), well-laid out and very organised...But I have to relocate it into two separate areas at the new place. I'll have a workshop and storage area and a straight up storage area some some reorganisation is required.

In my current workshop I have a fairly long three tier storage rack system with huge lidded-plastic tubs on it. It's been a great storage solution as nothing gets dusty and the tubs are all labelled so I know what stuff is where. For instance kayak stuff is a tub that holds life jackets, the padded seats and other kayak stuff so I know where to get it. If I go kayaking I just throw the whole tub into the trailer and off I go. Easy.

But that storage rack is within my workshop and now because I have two spaces I'll separate it off into the storage area which means my workshop will be left for tools, my ammunition making set-ups, where I work on my guns do projects and so on. I'm excited to have this area set up as I like it being separated from general storage,

Today Faith and I hooked up the trailer to the Big Dog and headed down to Bunnings Warehouse which is a huge hardware/homeware's retailer and the place where my storage racks are.

You can see the units, which require assembly, in my 6x4 trailer and Faith strategically standing in front of my number plate on the Landcruiser. She was pretty proud of herself for being able to help lift the racks into the trailer - They're not lightweight. We headed home and over the next week I'll be putting them together and will move the other identical rack from the old to the new places so I have three in total.

I'm not that guy who likes to buy things twice and so I tend to buy good quality things; The old buy one cry once strategy I guess and considering that my storage racks will take some weight I decided to go for a middle of the road product. So the racks are not quite commercial grade, but are much sturdier than a person may typically buy for home use.

Photograph taken off the front of the box.

Getting our storage and workshop areas sorted out is going to be a little like those puzzles where one shuffles pieces around to solve...We have a lot of moving, shuffling and re-shuffling to do, across both properties, and so we'll spend some time over our two week Christmas break to do it. Getting these racks was the first step and now the heavy lifting begins.

Operation storage racks went pretty well today; There was some concern Faith wouldn't be able to do the lifting, and we don't like asking for help too often, but she managed. I was hoping operation storage racks would include the sub mission of operation iced coffee and burger for lunch but Faith insisted we take the cheaper option of eating at home...Equally good though, ham salad bread rolls and cokes. No complaints from me.

So, it's now after lunch and I'm going to go and have a look at moving some stuff...I've put it off as long as I can. Whilst I'm gone feel free to drop your comments below and tell me what you're up to or what you have planned.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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