the worst date of my life : WEEK 215

Bad dates and good dates... Have you had either or both? Tell us about them.

The most bad and embarrassing date I had was with a guy several years ago in my first year at the university his name was Javier he was a handsome guy and very sociable everyone knew him because he was the delegate of his class one morning out of the blue he approached me and made conversation and I thought he was very nice and respectful he asked me for my number. We chatted on the phone for several days and at the university he always waited for me at the exit to accompany me. He told me he was single and that he had left his ex for more than three years until one Saturday he invited me to dinner at that time I was single and I said yes without knowing what was waiting for me that day.

He came by looking for me around 6:00 in the evening and took me to a restaurant where he sold llanera beef, it was a couple of blocks away from where I lived at the time, well everything was fine I really liked the guy he seemed perfect until two girls appeared with a hateful face shouting Javier and one of the girls was pregnant and when I looked at his face he turned pale and I understood the whole place was full of people and I didn't know whether to run or hide under the table of the restaurant. The girl grabbed me by the hair, scratched me and hit me in the face, I didn't touch her, she was about 6 months pregnant, I just told her it was the first time I was going out with him, we don't have anything, I told her, but the girl didn't understand she was very furious In short, instead of being a nice day it ended up being a bad day For both, any lie sooner or later comes to light.

Are you concerned about getting older from an aesthetic and financial security standpoint? Explain:

Anyone who says they are not concerned about aging is simply a liar.
We all want to look good so we use cream on our faces and cosmetic surgery is one of the most in demand worldwide so we paint our gray hair and try to eat healthy and exercise everything to try to keep us in time and I think it is something very human, but old age is part of the life cycle and no matter how much we do or we operate the years are noticeable, but the important thing is to reach old age being active, flirtatious and cheerful.

As for the economic aspect I hope that when it is my turn to retire I can live on my benefits who knows if after a few years everything improves but if not I hope to have the strength and creativity to support me since I lost my parents I am very independent and I do not like to depend on a man or anyone less I would like to bother my children because all I give them I do it with all my love only expected of GOD and life is that they are happy and good people.


the photos published in this blog are my own property.

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