WEEK 204 what would you say the three most important skills or things to have would be and why?

Greetings dear readers today I give life and love to my blog with a new publication for this weekend in WE 204 in response to one of the questions posed by our friend @galenkp


In an apocalyptic world in which society as we know it has completely broken down, (no power, running water, government, law, fuel etcetera) what would you say the three most important skills or things to have would be and why? Remember to use your own photos


I consider the human being to be an integral being possessing multiple internal resources for its evolution and transformation. However, those of us who are part of excessively directed social structures, are limited in being able to put into practice those internal resources that paradoxically facilitate life, blocking the possibilities of developing as healthy and autonomous beings.

In view of this, we cannot fail to recognize the existence of the great governmental elites, who intelligently, based on the needs of the people, have distorted and manipulated the human being who has been induced to think, feel and act according to particular interests whose perspective of life goes against a good education, culture and values of self-improvement, which every day destroy and sink nature and the most disadvantaged beings.

It could be said that we live in a zombie society, at the mercy of the great elites whose mercantilist sense and exacerbated consumerism, envelops and suggests everything that the human being by essence is, hindering the few possibilities that man can emerge and live from an ethical and ecological conscience, in favor of himself and his community.

That is why he emphasized the importance that the only way to survive in the face of this predatory system is through the abilities of knowledge,love and creativity,* being these internal potentials that govern us and with which it is possible to


Planning for socio-cultural and educational activities - Photos from my personal album


Origami for social activity with children - Photos from my personal album

An example of this can be seen in rural communities where living conditions to our eyes are sordid or strange, however, these people have shown that with their basic resources they have been able to live, preserving a well-structured system of community organization that allows them to subsist with what is possible, making use of their ancestral wisdom, without the intervention of those who believe themselves to be superior classes or developed countries. For them, the ancestral wisdom centered on love allows them to create what is indispensable for their subsistence, without more or less.


walk in El Avila mountain. Caracas - Venezuela - Photos from my personal album


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