Day in day out 1,2,3,... is becoming obvious about me from people's perspectives. I engage and interact with different people with different backgrounds, religion, classes, qualifications and culture and 1,2,3,... about me is reoccurring unknowingly and unintentionally.
less I forget the documentary on people views and opinions on me started before I knew myself.

See me here:

The interesting yet heart breaking part of the phase is that these were opinions from elderly Gray headed people, closed family members, friends, educated, uneducated, Rich , poor and professionals alike.

Before I was born, ultrasound said 'i am a female'. This result was given 7weeks within the pregnancy of me.
My beloved parents were happy and started creating imaginary world for the forth coming bouncing baby girl 😍
The innocent visionary dark baby 😘 was growing and kicking healthily in the womb. Between weeks 11 and 14 another test called
First-trimester screening blood test was conducted. The first-trimester screening now countered the ultrasound result. Guess what, male!

Why did I come this far?
The different expectations for what being a man/woman entails can often leave most men/women feeling lost and confused about how they should act. Be yourself!

Now, here's me thinking I am the two sides of the coin. How did I know? Some of my friends some times think I has my opinion. I some times I receive evaluation opinions of people because of my leadership positions. Some times people thinks I listen to my instincts alone and make decisions based on my value system. Some times people see my mistakes as delibrate actions.

My best bit and what some folks like about me is that I credit my knowledge bank by learning from every mistake I made and I don't leave my thoughts and feelings about anything anywhere. this makes people think I am thinking like a female. so annoying 😴

Secondly, I was employed as Warehouse, Inventory and distribution manager. Three in one package of job descriptions yet one salary benefit plan. I did this job for six months I realized I am not myself anymore. trying to share my honest and sincere feeling about the job and feature career paths with my friend. The noble yet careless response I got from my beloved friend was "you are strong, I know you" I was like what a hell are you talking about. People mistakes me to be strong.
what! is like something happened after the ultrasound result. I don't know!.
People don't like the fact that I am not emotional or accessible because they see that I own my thinking and by implications bring down foes quickly strategically.

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