Week 224. My experiencie with the death of my pet


Greetings, dear community, I hope you are having a nice weekend, which is almost over, by the way, taking one of the proposals made by @galenkp to write this weekend, I decided to opt for the proposal regarding the experience with respect to the death of a pet and how it affected us in the immediate and in the future.

This proposal gives me the opportunity to express my feelings about the death of our pet and how it affected us immediately and in the future, but first I am going to tell you in a summarized way what that little animal represented not only for me but for the whole family.

We had her with us since she was only 2 months old, and from that moment on she became the spoiled baby of the house, which by the way was given to her by a classmate from my daughter's school.

She was a little animal that when she was a puppy she loved to bite the shoes and everything she found on the floor, so we had to hide it, because otherwise if we were careless she would break it and we had to throw it away.


Then when she was older, let's say in age because due to her poodle breed she was always small, she started to ride on the beds and furniture, so we had to be folding the cushions of the furniture and in the case of the beds we had to be alert to keep the doors closed.

But as it always happens, sometimes we forgot, either because we left in a hurry for work and the kids went to school, so the rooms were left open, the cushions were not lifted and when we arrived we found that the girl had made a mess, and so we had to change furniture and mattresses, however, she was still the darling of the house.


When she got sick and was almost 14 years old and I took her to the vet who always checked on her, I was very sorry when the vet told me to be ready to have another pet.

When she passed away after 15 years of being with us, the truth is that it affected me emotionally, because in those days prior to her death I could not concentrate on my work so I went for a while and returned home, my daughter was in the capital working and I told her that she was very sick and did not want to eat, she did not think twice and came right away, so much so that the day after my daughter arrived the dog died and she had her in her arms, that was very hard for everyone.


The next day I could not go to work because I felt very hurt with the loss of her, and my daughter also ended up spending the day at home and what we did was that we hugged each other and cried.

My daughter had to leave for the capital because she had already been gone for a week due to the seriousness of the dog, and of course I felt a great loneliness because she was my companion, since my children were away from home studying.

Maybe some people do not understand this situation, but I talked to her, she was my companion when I arrived from work, she was the one who received me every day, the truth is that it is hard to overcome when one gets so attached to an animal, and that is why after her I have not had more pets for the same reason that it hurts a lot to lose them, but as the vet had told me that their average life span for being a small breed was between 12 and 15 years, and she accompanied us for 15 beautiful years.

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