My Fictional Date

thomas-ae-XaznRvFCd64-unsplash.jpegPhoto by Thomas AE on Unsplash

Earlier today, I read @galenkp's call for a posting contest. And when I saw the topic. I thought, what can I write about dating? Maybe this time I'll pass. But then I thought, why not write about it?

After all, if Galen made me write about a perfect 1000k weekend. This time, let's do a fictional "perfect" date.

So I turned around and said to my husband. Honey, I'm going on a date, but I'm sorry, you are not invited.

My fictional "perfect" date

On choosing the city of my date, my first idea was to have it in Paris. But then, I had second thoughts and decided on having my date in New York.

The candidates for this imaginary date were a few, George Clooney, Ben Affleck, Javier Bardem, and Antonio Banderas, to name a few of the possibilities. But I had to be sure of one thing, whoever was chosen had to be a good dancer.

So on a spring afternoon, in a black dress with a low-cut back and a light skirt, and with stiletto heels red. I meet Antonio Banderas himself for my date. Our first stop is at Pier 45.

My husband has never been much of a dancer. He really is not a dancer at all. So this is my chance to have a date with an afternoon of a milonga. So let's go tango dancing at Pier 45 in New York. And to the rhythm of Por Una Cabeza, I have a dancing tango session. And I can show the dancing skills I got by have been practicing for weeks.

After a few tangos, we get into the limo that takes us to The River Cafe, where we get a table with a majestic view of the Brooklyn Bridge. We eat Oysters as a starter and lobster as the main course while we drink a bottle of Chardonnay.

After leaving the restaurant, we go for a few drinks at the Blue Note. And we stay listening to jazz for a couple of hours. Banderas turned out to be a nice guy. And although years don't pass in vain, as they do for everyone, he is still very attractive and dances like the gods.

After the night of dancing, good food, and jazz, I go back to the hotel where my husband is waiting for me. He spent the night bingeing on films. He's hungry and suggests we go for a walk. So I take off my stilettos and put on some sneakers and jeans. We go for a walk around the city. And enjoy some yummy street snacks. So an almost perfect night ends up being perfect when you're with the right guy, even if the guy doesn't dance.

This is my entry to the Posting contest: THE DATE in The Weekend community.

Thanks for reading!

All writings are my own unless otherwise stated.

Image credit on the caption

The Silver Bloggers subscribers banner artwork is by Silver Mamma Chef (artywink)

© CoquiCoin

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March 10, 2022


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