The view from our hotel apartment 22 storeys up!

If you read my post from yesterday then you'll know that @new.things and I are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Well, actually, we're in Putrajaya a city that's just south of Malaysia's capital city and also, conveniently, half an hour closer to the international airport.

We flew in yesterday. ✈️

Yesterday was, well, kinda crap. But I decided when I woke up this morning that we had already used up all our bad luck in Malaysia yesterday and that, since there was none left, today was going to be a great day.

It's been a great day. 😁

We're in Malaysia for a long weekend, squeezed in between visiting family in Thailand and flying home via a beach mini vacay in Bali. And we're here specifically to do a parkrun.

We did it this morning. 🏃‍♀️

5km, with a bunch of lovely locals and equally crazy, international parkrun tourists, and a stupid amount of heat for 7:30 in the morning.

But it was good. That gives Brad and I parkruns in four different countries now which is one part amazing, one part crazy and one part totally freakin' privileged.

Speaking of privileged, we're staying on the 22nd floor of a lovely hotel here in Putrajaya.

In case you've never been to Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur or any major world city, and/or in case you are someone who knows you're unlikely to ever get to somewhere that's wealthy enough to have huge skyscrapers then let me share this experience with you so you get to see a bit of what it's like. 🙌

Out of our bedroom window I can see a great many fascinating things right now including:

✨ A big hill covered in big trees
✨ A highway with very small looking cars
✨ A huge swimming pool (with people who look tiny!)
✨ A mosque with a gold dome and spire
✨ Rows of two-storey homes, packed in like sardines
✨ Other very tall apartment buildings
✨ Another mosque with different colours (this is a Muslim country, so two masjids - as they are called locally, seems pretty reasonable to me)
✨ A big shopping centre
✨ At least two playgrounds with colourful equipment for children to explore, and
✨ A very pretty lake of some kind, with mini tree-filled islands dotting its surface.

I can also see an ever-changing sky that has streaks of light blue and grey, dark blue and white, and every gradation you can imagine in between these.

It's both weird and awesome to be this high up. I'm glad you could enjoy it with me. 😀

Photos by me. Taken in Putrajaya just an hour or so before sunset.

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