After making this particular question my selection, I had to go open the beside drawer to see what it holds and I found it empty. Apparently, I have not gotten to putting in anything into it just yet.

On it though, are only a few things. Which usually lay there daily. Mostly because I use them daily once I'm about to sleep and when I awake. I dislike clutter so I keep that space as tidy and clear off stuff as I can. So, here goes what you'll find on my bedside table.

Image is mine

  • Water.

It is recommended that we take a glass(or is two) of water first thing in the morning. Even before I learned it a healthy practice, I enjoyed how energized I always felt and how my insides seemed to settle after a glass. I know better the great gains consuming water has done for me.

And so, it is the very first thing I reach for once I awake. I have my bottle filled and kept on the table just before I hit the bed. It's a ritual I have practiced for so long which has become a part of me -home and away. I keep the bottle by my beside table so it's easier for me to cleanse my system in the morning, that way, I don't forget this important step in my daily health care.

  • Journal and a pen

Next thing I would usually do is grab my journal which also sits on my bedside table. I don't know if it's just me who feels calmer and has a clearer mind and brain to process thoughts early in the morning.

I flip through the journal to check my schedule for the day, or make one If I hadn't done that the previous day. After which I proceed to just write. With no prompts. I just let my thoughts flow through my ink.

  • My phone.

Expectedly. It's always there, nearby, for when I need to take calls. If I need to make calls. If I need to check meanings of words. One thing too is that I read every night before bed. Only a few chapters now since I am trying to get over this long overstayed readers block.

I read a few pages of a novel too in the morning -just a few. I prefer hardcopy books but since they don't come cheap, this is a better alternative until when I can get what I want.

The spectators of tracking my finance is also covered using my device, that or my journal.
Using my phone, I go ahead to make my Hive post for the day, if I have the time for it. I may not exactly put it out on the block chain. Just draft it and stuff.

Image is mine

  • Earbuds

Music is my thing. Fuels my energy. Sometimes, if I have the time(by time, I mean the weekends), I indulge myself and see one of my favourite videos or listen to a podcast(rarely these days). Otherwise, I play some music and get on with the day.

That's all for the Weekend Experience Prompt on What i have on my bedside table. Occasionally, there may be more stuff on the table, but, the above are constant.

Thanks for gracing this post.

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