Personalities Differs.



Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it

  • Bruce Lee - taken from @galenkp's post! I bet you want to join!

I pondered on this word above and I just take a good look at myself through the mirror and said within me ... “I CAN NEVER BE YOU”... pointing to whosoever that comes across my mind and I smiled and said again “I AM ME N' ALWAYS BE ME”, I see no need why one would want to impersonate another individual's attributes and character because it costs a lot to be fake and cost more when it has to continue and finally consumes the victim at the long run.



I Act Strange!

I might wake up one morning and flip my attitude towards anyone but it all depends on whom and what that person did to me honestly I bear no grudges for whoever because I like keeping myself and mind free from burdens and that's being weird because the person would be surprised at what am displaying, I often used to buy groceries worth of $30 from a woman who has a supermarket, normally I love connecting with people, building a social relationship with them and lots more! With time they became fond of me, each time when I come around am always attended to almost immediately and so it continued until they started gossiping about me, side talk here and there which later result in underestimation and that was when I flipped...the last conversation we had was hilarious but inner me wasn't happy and that was when I flipped so I became strange to them and at that time I felt peace. What I despise is when am being genuine and someone takes me for granted because of the relationship I am having with him or her... you know what's funny they were speaking another dialect entirely but unknowingly to them I can hear what they speak.
Another strange thing about me is that, you might find me smiling towards anyone, and tomorrow I ain't smiling at practically someone that doesn't believe in too many friends, so when I keep it alive today I can ruin it much more like an observing personality I read people's attitude they will likely project in few hours and days, spiritually observant too and otherwise.



I Am Acquiring this!

Another one I would love to acquire is the attitude of calmness and softened heart with attitude... don't get it all wrong, am a sweet girl with a great personality but before you see that aspect of me, you have a bit of a hard nut to crack, so it's more like a big concrete wall of protection to filter the kind of people I allow into my life because I rarely keep friends, they are prone to misbehave at any given time asf!
Having an attitude or characteristics of being soft-hearted is what I find attractive, it seems hard to master but not so hard because whatever I set my mind upon to achieve I will definitely get it. Time heals wounds right? but not all wounds!
I have grown in hardship, betrayal, backstabbing, conspiracies that deeply eat me because it came from my family, ungrateful and nonchalant attitudes and so my life was hard and I tend to be harsh and somewhat wicked... so whenever I come across any human putting up such act or is about to act that same character I unleash the harsh/wicked attitude towards him/her but as time goes I want to also add that softness in all aspect of my life which is very much in progress and I hope it will be in full manifestation soon.



Gosh I detest this!

I hate something very irritating, it could be someone's attitude or any other thing else that seems irritating like eww!

⚠️ .... you might feel very irritated and disgusted when I spill this out!

Oh yes! I am a university student and it's not easy for me fending for myself and my basic needs alongside the rents, fees and taxes.. so am sharing an apartment with this roomie of I who happens to be my friend, I find it difficult to tell her what she does which is very disgusting and I thought 🤔💭 about telling her, I made up my mind to not tell her anymore, so help me god!! I'm trying to hold off till I finish my sessions in the university and at the same time, I try not to talk about it to her because it might cause serious havoc between us, yeah I figured she doesn't like the truth to be said so I kept silent about that!
I wish I had lots of money, I would have gotten myself a nice apartment all to myself but I have to just manage for the time being.
This is what she does, every time and then she is always spitting here and there, either she goes out to spit or she spits inside her potty, what is always making her spit is what am not getting at all...this continued for a long time and she now forms the habit of spitting in her towel she used to clean her body after bathing, she spits till the towel is damn soak eww 🤢🤢.
Another style was initiated recently, she spits inside a water bottle (i:e a table water empty can) until it gets to half of it, you know the annoying thing? she keeps it closer to her so when she has to spit again she opens it and spit inside the ones inside! gosh, this is annoying and very disgusting! how I just wish anyways! wishes are hard to accomplish when the resources are unavailable😤... I'm going to manage this attitude till I leave there...what a pity for me!



Love Spell🌬️

It happens to be someone who I know before my friend (roomie) steps in, she twisted his mind against me and she took over him, ever since them he no longer talks to me, talk more of saying hello to me, so I would love to cast a love spell to him so that he could channel his mind towards me back and my friend would be astonished butttt I don't want him back, I just want the fun of seeing his mind being manipulated by me and that makes me feel good.



I Lost It

Errmmm, I didn't lose my money hahaha, I lost that one attitude that scares weak people away, and now my cute face is inviting weaker vessel...are you confused🤔...I will break it down
When I was growing up and due to my environment and the types of people around my vicinity, I kept a hard face (without smiles) and that sucks now! But that attitude kept a lot of people I categorized as un-useful to me far away, before you walk up to me that's a standard I made sure for myself, you must have something I could learn from you and impact too so ever since I pull that wall down when someone almost yelled at me for always been mean, he said “ you are a young and pretty girl, why are you scaring suitors away? ” and ever since then some people I wouldn't want to associate have the audacity to walk up to me demanding what I will never give to them.
But you know, I have decided to mix it up...soft and hard in too much of this and too much that or what do y'all think... comments, please!!!


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