Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 216, The most terrible moment in my life

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Throughout life we face adversities and painful moments that touch the fiber of our being and no matter how strong we are they affect us, each person has a different way of living and assuming these processes, some take refuge in solitude, others dedicate themselves to different activities that allow them to keep their minds busy and progressively heal the pain; the most terrible moment I have lived was the sudden departure of my father, when I received the phone call informing me of his departure, I felt a great weight fall on me, I could not understand how something like that had happened, in the morning I talked to my mother on the phone and everyone at home was fine, It was hard for me to assimilate that my father whom I admired and considered a person had left this plane, to summarize, since we live in different cities, we had to travel quickly, the trip was a journey and I just thought that this trip was the saddest because I would see my father in a coffin and not as I regularly saw him on each visit, sitting on the porch waiting for me.

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When I got home I felt a great emptiness, it was hard to assimilate what was happening and I had to take care of my mother who was very depressed, in fact I did not have time to cry because my mother's health and condition required immediate attention and care, after the funeral ceremony and subsequent burial, the pain became stronger and I had trouble sleeping, for several days it was difficult for me to sleep at least three hours continuously, A very dear friend when she saw my dark circles under my eyes recommended me to cry as much as I could to get rid of all the pain that afflicted me, she also recommended me to think of all the moments I lived with my father and no matter how painful it was I had to assume that he was not there, these suggestions were very useful and with the help of the Creator, I progressively recovered my sleep and assimilated what had happened.

Although his departure still hurts me I could understand that we are not prepared for the departure of a loved one even when we know that it is a natural process that is part of life, the mind refuses to accept such a loss, I could continue writing about this painful experience but tears flood my cheeks and it is hard for me to see the keys of the PC. Every experience, no matter how contradictory it may seem, helps us to grow, to see life from a different perspective and to value every moment we can share with our loved ones, because these are the memories that will remain of each person, also to have the right words to help others going through similar situations.

This has been my entry to Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 216, moderated by @galenkp, Topic number 5 Describe the most terrible moment of your life, how you felt, what repercussions it had and how you coped.

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              All images are my own. Dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.
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