A bad cook cooks

I'm the first to admit I'm not a very good cook and my partner will confirm it; I don't enjoy cooking so haven't put any effort into learning how; I know some of the concepts and can put a basic, nutritious meal together but there's nothing special about what I cook and I'm ok with it as is my partner, who is a really great cook!

Lately my guy has been working hard, harder than I'd like him to as I see how stressed he gets; he drives himself relentlessly, has incredibly high standards for himself and isn't one of those people who gives up easily or shies away from difficult things; I love that about him and know it has served him well, his work is taking a toll currently though and with his health condition also a factor it's weighing heavily upon him.

With this in mind I've been making an effort to do more of the cooking for dinner and to ensure that it is ready for him most nights when he needs it to be...and to insist that he eats it with me at the dinner table rather than in his home office while working; he's a good boy and does as I ask so no problems there. I've had to increase my list of meals I'm able to cook as I don't want him to get bored and because we both like to eat in a healthy way I've worked on finding a few meals that are reasonably easy for a girl with my poor culinary skills but healthy and tasty.


I took this image

Above is an image of one such meal made on Sunday that I worked really hard on. Hmm, maybe "worked hard" isn't the right phrase but it certainly pushed my skills as I'd never made roast lamb before. I asked around and read a recipe in a cooking magazine from the supermarket and fumbled my way through and I was really happy with the result...not that I ate the lamb, I'm vegetarian.

It was a hearty meal, healthy and, considering the compliments I got from my man, I'd have to say it was tasty; he had two serves so that's always a good sign too.

I know the presentation isn't great but as far as a plate of pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans and roast lamb topped with gravy goes I think it is ok enough. There were some left-overs which he took for lunch the next day and a little lamb left over for a couple of sandwiches the following day as well. A win if ever there was one.

I don't think I'm ever going to win any awards for my cooking but my guy likes what I make, or so he tells me, and dutifully eats what's put in front of him and that's enough for me. I hope his work calms down a little, the travel and workload takes a toll, but if it does not at least I can make his life a little easier by taking some of the cooking duties away from him and, shh, don't tell anyone, I'm sort of enjoying the cooking.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗

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