Forever Young.


The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.

It sure would be fun. You know, being able to live a life filled with historical episodes and being alive for a hundred years and more to tell it. Just imagine, for a second, imagine how life would be witnessing lots of eras and advancement in nature.

I have seen countless movies on immortality that just make me, for a second, want to live that life. But, is it worth it? There are tons of juicy reasons that make me think otherwise. I mean, why would I want to live a long life in loneliness when there's peace in death?

There was a movie I saw a few years ago titled, "In Time" and there's a scene right there which brought in a character who has lived so long that he just felt so tired of living life and that's because as humans, we are insatiable. We want this and that, but we don't want this and that as well.

Surely, immortality feels like a good deal. It is a very good deal, but if the people I love and care about won't be included in such a deal, then... There's no reason to live life in continuous pain. Burying my friends, my loved ones, families, and children all through numerous generations isn't cool. Trust me, it will be exhausting, and with each era that passes by, it'd be insane to say I won't lose a piece of my humanity.

...and that is what scares me the most. Not being able to feel pain, happiness, and more because I have seen it all and knowing life will continue pulling its strings of its deliberate acts is nothing I would like to be involved in.

I do believe, just like the quote has said, living a good life that generations to generations would remember is the main worth of immortality to me.

I would rather live a life worth remembering than live a thousand years in what I term, "Insanity". Relieving memories of the past again and again as another phase of the past presents itself is like cold water on my body. Though, I know that being immortal will be very interesting and I would surely gather more knowledge and may even be another young lass of an era's Einstein, still, I can't bear the pain it will bring.

What can I say, I am just another fragile sweet soul, and with this, I leave you a song by Jay z and Mr. Hudson titled, "Forever Young." I do hope I live forever in the heart of many who have seen my worth. That's the immortality I'll go for.

This is my response to @galenkp Weekend-Engagement Concept. You can join in as well following the community rules.

Image Used Is Mine and video is from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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