
The meeting wasn't arranged, I just met him on the road. He couldn't resist my beautiful eyes, amazing set of teeth, my laughter and of course my perfume. Hahaha, he told me all these later in the relationship. See how it happened.

I was new in the University, I had nowhere to stay before my accomodation would be approved. But then I remembered I had an old friend who schools in that college, so I went to her department in search of her. She wasn't in school that day but I was given the description of her house. Later in the evening, I went in search of her, but she had gone out.

A good neighbor of hers offered me a seat to wait for her. It was getting to nightfall and the sky was cloudy so I decided to leave. On my way home, I met my friend Esther in the company of two guys. We ran into each other's arms and embraced warmly. She was happy to see I am a student in the school and asked why I haven't come to live with her. She was happy to hear that I am not just pleading but offering myself to live with her.

I had a lady who someone Introduced to me and asked if I could stay with her. Although she agreed, her boyfriend comes in every night with another boy. They smoke a lot and indulge in alcohol. I needed to leave that place else I would be in trouble one day.

As I embraced my friend, we both were lost in the embrace and forgot she had two guys walking her home before, who were standing and watching the drama. One of them is my partner right now. Hahahaha

"Hello, say hi to us too" he begged .
Oh sorry. My name is Adore, how do you do? I asked, stretching my hand.

"I am fine, or would you also give me a hug like you gave your friend?" He teased.

*Hahaha, *I laughed. No, but I could shake your hands. That's how I felt the softest palm I ever knew till date. Hahaha

My friend apologized and gave the proper introduction. That night both the guys and my friend refused to allow me to go home, they said it was late and rain was already threatening.

I didn't think about Paul that night, my friend and I chatted generally and caught up with old times. I moved in the next day at my friend's order. Who knows, to see more of Paul might have also been a motivating factor for the rush. Hahaha. Silly Adore.

As the weeks turned into months Paul kept visiting us. He was very intelligent and had ideas on virtually every topic. He was neat and handsome too. He treats my friend with respect, he was helpful too like a lady's man. 😂 I never brought the topic about him to my friend, I was scared she might send me out for admiring her man.

After visiting our house for almost a year, sometimes taking us out along with his other friend who was his roommate, he started visiting me in my department. He was a 400level microbiology student while I was just a year one student of computer science. He kept visiting my department to take me to eat lunch. He came home to ask for my friend's permission to take me on a date. Before I knew it, he told me that right from that first night he met me, he has had his eye on me. He has been studying me and it's almost one year now he wants to get closer to me and make the relationship more defined. you know, those things guys say to ladies, don't you? 😂. I was shocked to know he wasn't dating my friend but one of his friend was.

Well, to cut the story short, after a few weeks of "thinking" about it, I told myself, what's there to keep thinking about? I already admire him and love how he treats my friend who wasn't even his girlfriend. I also found out some things about him from my friend, confirming that he is not after her. Let's try, if it is God's will, fine. If not, no qualms. That's how I gave him a reply on another occasion when he came to inquire about my response.

I told him " I have thought about it, especially with the culture difference and the fact that you are graduating soon, I am sorry to disappoint you, but my answer is: YES!. HAHAHA 😂

He was so happy and promised never to graduate and leave me. He made other promises, you know guys now. Haha.

But true to his words, he graduated and kept coming to look me up. He got a job but waited for me to graduate and serve my country (NYSC). We had a distant relationship because GSM wasn't available yet, but he was a darlyn. He would use the landline to call a neighbor and send for me. He will send emails and he also visits unannounced, yet he will find me in my room studying and behaving well, haha. Not night clubbing, haha. I loved him and couldn't stop dreeming of a time I will never have to miss him again (a time I will be in his house as his wife). Hahaha.

Today, that dreem has come true. He is my current partner, my soulmate and my World. We got married some years ago.


We are grateful to God. Our anniversary is just around the corner, this January precisely. I am not telling the date nor how many years anniversary yet. Hahaha. Wait for the post. 😂

God has been good to us, we give all the praise to him. My only sadness is that we lost my friend who introduced me to the love of my life. She was very sick and died while in 400 level Law. I wish she was alive to see how that guy she introduced to me on the way that faithful evening has become a proud husband of her dear girl, Adore. 😂

This is my entry into @galenkp challenge. Join in here if you still have the time. The clock is thicking

Thanks for the visit, I adore you.

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