Now this is an Entanglement ( The greedy Bird Rescue )


A few days ago on a walk I passed a massive field of blueberries covered in mesh net ( for lack of a better word ). I noticed many bugs were trapped and died on their way to abundance. But then I noticed a bird was caught in the net as well 😌

I couldn't just leave him hanging. Back in the days I would have a pen knife with me ( remember those things?).But I didn't so I started talking to the bird.

"Why the hell did you have to get trapped in the net...couldn't you wait till after I walked by so I wouldn't see yah?...Look at yourself...that is what greed gets you..trapped!"

The bird looked back at me like...

"So am yeah.. are gonna get me down or what?"😒

So I went to the car for a pair of scissors and slowly started cutting the bird out of its entanglement. Now Jada Smith, this is an entanglement😂. Poor little birdie was trapped real bad, he is lucky I found him and not a crow or a stray cat.

After a good 5 minutes of cutting, the bird fell to the ground and guess where he ran? Right into the other side ( there is a gap at the bottom it doesn't touch the ground) of the fence where the blue berries were.... I don't think this was intentional but he just ran away from me and that was the best direction to run.

Now if Mr bird is smart, he will remember this little cheat sheet on how to get to the berries, but they say birds have bird brains so who knows. All I know is I did my good deed. I deserve to be saved from a wreck when I am being greedy 😂.

Somewhere in the above there is a lesson....maybe.

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