GOING SIDEWAYS COVID-19: How This Can Play Out /Iran Releases Prisoners/Google Chrome Wants Access To My WebCam

Before I get started I have a question. I have been dealing with this the last 3 days or so.....

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Anyone else having Google Chrome trying to access their Web Cam? Good thing I keep it covered up when I am not filming. I just updated Norton so I wonder if Google has been accessing my webcam and I didn't know it before now. I'm glad Norton alerted me it was giving permission for it (the default setting as Google Chrome is considered a safe site). I now have it set to block but still alert me of the attempt. Several times a day folks. Anyone else getting this?

Okay. On to the topic. Here is a perfect example on our virus spread can occur seemingly overnight in a Washington State community.

Coronavirus quarantines more than 2 dozen Washington State firefighters

The city of Kirkland on Monday announced that 27 firefighters and two police officers are in quarantine. Some of the firefighters are “demonstrating flu-like symptoms,” the city said in a press release.

A link to the press release is down below for you in the links section of this post.

The first responders were possibly exposed to the virus after responding to the outbreak at the Life Care Center of Kirkland, the Seattle nursing home that has become a local epicenter of the novel virus, the Wall Street Journal reported. Firefighters and police officers were not aware the virus was present at the nursing home when responding to “multiple calls for patients in distress” last week, according to the outlet.

At least eight elderly residents at the home have tested positive, while four have died. Overall, 27 residents and 25 staff members have reported symptoms of the virus, which are said to include fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Another firefighter, Darren DeBore, told the outlet that he went back to get a facemask after seeing other staff and medics wearing them at the nursing home. But he was informed last Friday that he had to be quarantined, after responding to at least a dozen more calls since treating those at Life Care Center of Kirkland.

You see. It's not just Schools, Dorms, Nursing Homes, Rehab Centers, etc. It's first responders. These wonderful brave people were unprotected then went on to potential expose scores of others in the community unknowingly. All because they believed the risk was low and their community was clean. Well, again, without surveillance testing, this is what happens. This can happen anywhere.

Will this be a lesson. Nope. Nursing Homes have at least one Doctor who comes to see people when they are ill. These folks could have been tested. Any employee going to the Doctor ill could have been tested. Oh, but no because the CDC decided to have a monopoly on the test and restrict the supply and use. See previous posts about the CDC's role in the magnification of this COVID-19 situation. Our doctors across the country are more than happy to have us all tested for the flu but not this which is actually more dangerous. 0.1% death rate vs about 2%. Thanks CDC! And now this community has a large uncontainable problem. Weeks of silent spread.

Meanwhile, this headline caught my eye.....

Iran temporarily releases 54,000 prisoners to try and stop coronavirus from spreading in jails

Iran temporarily released more than 54,000 prisoners in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in the country’s overcrowded prisons, as the disease has killed dozens in the country and infected 23 members of the Iranian parliament.

Now, you know how Iran is about their prisoners. They love their prisoners. Enjoy their prisoners. To do this they have a large problem over there. This makes me stand up and take notice. Watch what governments around the world are doing. Not what we are being told. Again, big disconnect here.

And finally I will close with an observation. Iran's parliament members are sick yet our members of Congress seem unconcerned about moving about in DC and gathering together. The Chinese top party members do not want to meet in person over fear of this virus yet out Presidential Candidates travel around, meeting people, shaking hands, etc. Again, unconcerned. Our President does not give telecasts from the office. Nope. News conferences. This involves a room full of people. No concern for the health and safety of our President? We know this virus spread for weeks before the travel restrictions. We know we have who knows how many silent chains of infection. Yet.....our "important people" feel perfectly safe. Whereas the leaders in other countries do not. Interesting.

Here is the video version available only on BitChute.

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(Just click the picture to watch the video)

We are on our own folks! Trust your own eyes and ears. Trust your own knowledge and experience. Think for yourself and question everything.


Iran temporarily releases 54,000 prisoners to try and stop coronavirus from spreading in jails

Coronavirus quarantines more than 2 dozen Washington State firefighters

City Of Kirkland Press Release

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