Weekly growth report of my X account | March 30, 2024

Mohammad Alizade | Unsplash

The other day I received a notification that I had reached 5 years on Twitter, although truth be told, just now I am giving it a much more intensive use with a clear goal in mind. I commonly used my account to share content but did not engage in any interactions, until I noticed great growth possibilities in it.

Having a personal brand seems to be important in the development of various elements that strengthen your path and focus, leading to new scenarios where you can position yourself as you progress towards your goals and objectives.

In that growth, many doubts will also arise, such as, what will I do if I suddenly achieve absolute fame? Will I be able to handle hundreds, if not thousands, of users expecting daily content from me? Could I disappoint them? These are things that could come up at such a moment, making us question whether we want to continue or not.

Fortunately, both in Hive and InLeo, we have excellent content creators from whom we can learn a lot. Most are looking to grow in what they do, especially in what unites us, writing. I have no doubt that, if we learn from each other, we can overcome any obstacle, fear, or uncertainty and emerge victorious. It's about how to face life and the ability we have to surpass ourselves.

Beyond progress, there is still much to do

This week the analytics have been a bit more favorable. There was better interaction regarding X's feed. Everything indicates that part of the plan I am trying to achieve is starting to make sense. However, I am still not even halfway to achieving the strategy, as I believe it needs to be said, there is still the challenge of getting that audience there to start looking favorably at the content I will seek to create.

What I've been thinking is that I could do an extension of some topic I discuss in the articles I publish, mainly out of curiosity. This could at some point favor the metrics while encouraging or promoting the algorithm to finally bring our content to the right people, and in parallel with recurring interactions, everything will lead to good numbers.

In this analytics, the arrival of new followers is still quite weak, but the truth is that each one is valuable, so I am satisfied with that and will have to continue working to increase them. Retention is also important, as we must do our best to ensure they keep choosing us for who we are and what we can contribute.

The growth I have had this week is quite remarkable compared to the previous one. Because a week ago, the metrics indicated that I had obtained 501.4K impressions, while today that number rose to 579.1K. I have also achieved the highest level of impressions with exactly 105,222 impressions in one day, although the average is 22.8K per day.

I consider that the growth my account is experiencing is on the right track. Perhaps not in the way I would really like, but it is something I believe I can maneuver in the coming weeks, as I gradually start to see similar numbers in the posts I make on X, when finally my audience grows exponentially.

A week that could mean a better one for the next
I was thinking that it is quite favorable to interact by showing that there is a human being behind a screen. Sometimes we focus on creating content without exposing our ideas or principles, without letting our inner selves be seen, and that may possibly be a hindrance for those who seek to follow someone.

What I mean is that people choose us because we have something different from others, because we have a personality that stands out from the rest, and that is undoubtedly something to appreciate. Above all, it is very important to keep in mind when we are creators of original content because people read us for our unique and peculiar style.

As an improvement in the way I interact, starting next week I will progressively try to create more content in post format within X. This could be closely linked to what we just mentioned, as we could develop a news piece or event that has occurred in the world based on our own analysis and presentation of thoughts that are of general interest and really catch attention, and above all, act as a catalyst for a great debate in which many people join in commenting.

Impressions in threads where articles are shared

I believe this is one of the most important things because we bring users from web2 to explore the power of web3 and its possibilities.

I must carefully consider how to increase the number of users clicking on the link, but not just for the sake of it, but so that curiosity becomes a true symptom that what you've created has been liked and they start consuming your own content.

The impressions are not bad at all from my point of view. What should happen now is that I should start managing new ideas to increase those values at this very moment.

One of the things I have been thinking about is, if I post a thread using certain hashtags, should I go to those hashtags and interact with other people's posts? What I think is a good idea is organic interaction, because in a way that kind of content catches my attention and I like it, so it should not only benefit mutual interaction, but also be a source of learning and enthusiasm on various topics.

Lastly, I can say that things are going well, in due time, but well. It will remain to be seen how to beat the algorithm that will bring us closer and closer to the top, and that, undoubtedly, is a big challenge that if we set our minds to it, we can overcome.

If you wish, you can take a look at how the previous week went: Click here 👈

  • I have used Canva to edit the main image.
  • Translated from Spanish with Hive Translator.
  • Screenshots taken from my Twitter X account.
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