Weekly growth report of my X account | March 23, 2024

Mohammad Alizade | Unsplash

Social networks are fundamental to connect to the entire world. One can obtain information practically instantly about events happening at all times, although sometimes that information ends up overwhelming us, not only because it can come in a very large quantity but also because of the possibility of misinformation.

I have noticed that there is a lot of unchecked information or information coming from questionable sources. I have also seen that this misinformation occurs in a context of presenting a distorted truth of reality, either for political reasons or otherwise.

A clear example could be the recent incident in Russia. Many hypotheses have been circulated that clearly demonstrated the position of the person originating them. One ended up comparing one news with another and it was far from what had actually happened. One user also mentioned that one of the videos was old and related to a previous event from years ago, making it appear current.

NASA | Unsplash

For this reason, I have not participated much, mainly because the feed of my X account was affected by this news, and comparing them with the previous ones that I liked, so I had something to comment on.

I think the time has come to improve the news feed to my liking, especially because this contributes to peace of mind. No one would like to read about some atrocities that may occur in the world, not that I deny them, but sometimes it is better to stay away from something that could change the concept of how one sees the world and to only stick with what benefits me, such as learning more about technology and blockchain, knowing more about things that entertain me, like video games and some other curiosities.

This week hasn't gone as well as the one before. While the statistics show several percentages in red, it must be recognized that as one climbs the metrics, it becomes much more difficult to maintain them because one starts making jumps that are considered large (as I am reaching 70k impressions in a single day).

The issue is that these impressions must remain similar on the other days, and if the goal is not achieved, then a drop in the metrics is noticeable.

As a solution to this, what I will try to do now is to find which of these metrics will help me lift the others. It is clear that if one makes interesting comments, it is much more likely that in addition to generating impressions, people will visit our profile, however, we do not guarantee that they will start following us, so a strategy must be planned for this to happen.

This strategy will involve periodically interacting with certain users with the intention of, on one hand, adding value to their threads, because apart from the success of the same, our comment is an added value. On the other hand, directing myself for a period of time to try to interact on a specific niche so that they can see potential in what I transmit, or at least some interest. From there, if I manage to generate interest, I would have a higher probability of them choosing to follow me, and that translates to mutual support when sharing content.

If we look at the graphs, we can notice that there are days when the activity seems to be stable and others when it decreases drastically. I have reached 500 thousand impressions but I still feel it is not enough, and I do not say this because of the goal of monetizing with X but because the important thing is for my brand to grow and be another window that allows seeing the potential of the web3.

Growing post impressions in X seems to cost a little more compared to engaging in a thread. Possibly because we do not yet have a defined trend where the algorithm suggests our content. For this reason, the fundamental idea will be to progressively create content oriented towards the followers we have, as they will be the first ones to consume what we are creating.

Regarding impressions of the threads themselves, they seem to be at the level of what we mentioned earlier, but it is still not the desired goal. If we consider growing in both situations, we could notice an increase in the medium term, so putting effort into it is one of the tasks that I will start paying more attention to.

Consistency is the key, although there are days when it can be interrupted by different factors. Still, there will always be a recovery and the possibility to continue from where we left off, already seeking to surpass our own limits.

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