Ad Revenue is here!

Hello, Lions! If you have been part of InLeo for a while, or if you are looking from the outside wondering where to come in or not, you probably have been waiting for this for a while. Ad revenue distribution from Leo Ads has finally started.

Leo Ads

Leo Ads is a protocol on InLeo that uses the money paid for the Ad partners to buy $LEO of the market, pool it in the @leoads account, which is "running on a contract to create a second rewards pool for LEO POWER holders". The first payment was made yesterday January 19th, the next one will be on February 1st, and then every month on the 1st.

Who is elegible?

Everyone that has $LEO on stake will be part of the ad revenue distribution, as long as that stake is active, meaning inactive accounts (dead accounts to call it a name) will not get their part of the distribution. This ensures the earnings go to the people actively participating in the community. The distribution will be made proportionaly to your stake.

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This is great news for Stakeholders, which now have one more stream of income when it comes to their $LEO.

This ad revenue also feeds into the Evergreen rewards. Which are the rewards earned by authors that generate trafic to their posts. Evergreen rewards mean that you will get ad revenue for life on the content you create, as long as it keeps generating traffic. You could redirect your efforts for marketing your content, instead of just creating articles one after the other, and that will increase your rewards exponentially!

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My experience

Well, I have a moderate to small stake, so my first payout was 28.996 $LEO, that on top of my curation rewards and author rewards. This come passively for holding the token and using it to vote, and being active creating posts (you don't need to be on the platform all day to be considered active).

Also, I have most of my stake delegated, but that doesn't affect my earnings, since the ad distribution take into consideration your actual stake and not the managed stake. If you have a big delegation on your favor, the rewards for ad revenue go to the original owner of the stake.

My next step

Seeing that payments have been rolled out and everything is going smoothly, don't mind if I do... I will be getting more $LEO to ad to my stake, and will taking more time to promote my content so it generates trafic to InLeo, and ultimately, for Hive. All the trafic generated on InLeo benefits Hive as a whole, and I don't mind getting rewarded in the process.

Would you like to receive Ad Revenue and Evergreen rewards?

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Hope you liked it, until the next time

Thanks for reading


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