(Re) Introducing LeoAds | New Protocol for Ad Revenue on INLEO

INLEO (formerly LeoFinance) has had an Ad protocol for a long time. Originally, the Ad protocol earned ad revenue and then autonomously bought and burned LEO off the market.

Since then, a lot of changes have been made around here. The entire INLEO ecosystem has evolved in many, many ways. If you were to go back to the last date of the old LeoAds protocol being active and compare us then to us now, you'd see an entirely different platform has emerged.

With all of these changes, a big one was planned, designed and now implemented for LeoAds.

Ads on INLEO

If you've used INLEO, then you've seen the various ad displays. They're on Threads, they're on Long-Form. Ads are displayed throughout the UI and those ads drive in revenue when users click on them or see them. Clicking is obviously the larger % of the ad revenue generator. When a user sees an actual ad (not a "Placeholder) and clicks on it, ad revenue is generated for INLEO.

How It Works

When ads are viewed and clicked on, Ad revenue is generated through our ad partnership deals. Those ad partners have a specific wallet address and pay crypto into that smart contract on a regular basis. Different ad partners have different pay periods. Our primary ad partner (Zilla) pays every Monday and they pay in USDT.

Every Monday, USDT is sent to the LeoAds contract. It pools in that contract and then it is constantly reading the price feed of wLEO, bLEO, pLEO and LEO on Hive-Engine. It triggers a buy at random intervals (to avoid price manipulation by third-parties who could try to front-run it) and purchases LEO wherever it reads the cheapest price at that moment.

It then unwraps (if necessary) to native LEO on Hive. You'll then see that LEO pool up in the @leoads account.

The @leoads account is now running on a contract to create a second rewards pool for LEO POWER holders. This runs in conjunction with the existing rewards pool of 6,000 LEO per day that is earned by authors & curators on INLEO.

The LeoAds LEO pool is funded entirely by the contract that buys LEO. So if it buys 20,000 LEO per month, then that Rewards Pool is 20,000 LEO per month and it can be earned by LEO POWER holders. LEO POWER holders earn from this pool proportionally to the amount of LEO they have staked. Their stake also has to have been active within 30 days of the pool payout (active means that they've cast a bare minimum of upvotes in the prior 30 days). Passive stake won't be eligible (stake that hasn't recently voted on any content).

We were holding back this post until the first ad buy was successful by the contract as well as some other data was collected from the analytics APIs. You can now see the @leoads wallet has 6,729.863 LEO that it purchased on the internal Hive-Engine market.

Each week (roughly), the @leoads account will purchase more LEO and hold it in its wallet. The contract will then send out LEO POWER proportionally to the LEO POWER held by holders who are ALSO actively curating on the platform.

Effectively, this means that active LEO POWER stake will continually increase on itself - earning from a whole new pool of rewards in addition to the standard LEO Rewards Pool.

For example, if the LeoAds pool is 20,000 LEO after 1 month and User A is actively curating with 100,000 LEO POWER in their wallet (assuming that 10,000,000 LEO POWER is staked and actively curating), they will earn 1% of the LeoAds pool = 200 LEO in the first month.

Extrapolate that for 1 year and actively holding 100,000 LEO POWER would equate to 2,400 LEO per year in rewards (currently worth ~$100).

Obviously this is all a rough example assuming a lot of round numbers. The UI will also display the estimated current rewards from the LeoAds contract.

Speaking of UI...

Right now, the UI is waiting for more data from the contract until the numbers actually load. It needs some historical data in order to calculate current yield and extrapolate them to the year.

When the data is ready, we'll push the Wallet Update out. From then forward, you'll be able to see the LEO POWER APY from actively curating with LEO POWER stake and earning from the additional LeoAds pool on top of the normal yield from curating through the author/curator rewards pool from LEO.

We're expecting this data to be ready after 2 cycles of LeoAds buys (first being today, it should be live by mid-next-week when the second set of data rolls in).

Another couple of UI updates will also roll out. One major one being Evergreen Post Analytics.

Evergreen Rewards!

Evergreen Rewards are also officially live. This is a new subset within the LeoAds contract. Evergreen rewards allow Hive Authors to earn beyond the 7 day payout window. A % of the ad revenue generated from the LeoAds contract is designated for this "3rd" rewards pool.

The Evergreen Rewards Pool will pay out to authors who meet the minimum threshold for views. There is a threshold and we will talk more about this in a subsequent post. Evergreen Rewards are a pretty complex feature on their own, so we'll cover all the details of how it works in a post that will follow closely to this one.

Bear in mind that Evergreen Rewards will backdate to any article published through the https://inleo.io UI... ever.

So if you have ever published a post on the INLEO UI, it will be indexed into the Evergreen Database that we've created.

The database simply scrapes all the authors on Hive and looks at all the posts each author has made on INLEO.io.

It then takes the total views each 30 day cycle from all those articles each author has written, calculates a payout based on ad views and then pays the creator with LEO. Again, this is now live but we'll release a post with more thorough details of how it works.

To start, Evergreen Rewards seem to be pretty small. Especially with the new domain name, the views on long-form content are not super high. As these views grow, more content is published through inleo.io and we make our ads more efficient, Evergreen Rewards will stack.

Our expectation is that some day in the near future some highly engaged hive authors will earn more from Evergreen Rewards than the top authors earn from the HIVE rewards pool.

These authors will earn rewards in addition to all the other rewards in perpetuity on a monthly basis from the Evergreen pool. It's pretty fascinating and again, something that is for the long-term. As the platform grows, Evergreen Rewards will expand exponentially.

What Now?

I'm sure there will be tons of questions regarding LeoAds. This could easily be a 10k word post but I won't subject everyone to that. Instead, drop some questions below and the team will be in there and responding. LeoAds is something that will build momentum over time and we need to give it the space to do so.

I recommend tracking the @leoads account and seeing the LEO get bought and pooled into that account. The first monthly pool will get distributed after the 4th purchase is completed at the end of November. In between now and then, we'll also see the wallet UI get an update to show the real-time projected payouts of the LeoAds pool. An Evergreen Update will also get rolled out for viewing Long-Form Post Analytics. You'll be able to track, analyze and optimize your long-form content to earn more from the Evergreen pool.

We've been talking LeoAds for years now. We've built ourselves into this moment. INLEO has culminated into what it is today from all the work we've put in through countless hours of development. The community has grown 4x from where it was at the start of 2023.

Things are finally coming together for our community and our ecosystem. The App is running at a pace that we've only ever dreamed of in the past. Updates are rolling out on a daily basis.

Premium already has 104 subscribers and counting. That's over $500 per month in buyback pressure for LEO and $500 per month for HIVE. That $1k then gets pooled as permanent bHIVE-bLEO liquidity which ultimately drives long-term wrap/unwrap revenue for CUB.

  1. we focused on development
  2. we've delivered on Project Blank and countless other big developments
  3. we're now focused on economy. Building the monetization systems to grow LEO as a utility token

Driving value to LEO is now the focus as we keep pushing forward on all the technical sides of the INLEO ecosystem.

In Leo, anything is possible.


INLEO's mission is to build a sustainable creator economy that is centered around digital ownership, tokenization and communities. Our flagship application: inleo.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the Hive blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

App: https://inleo.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inleoio
Discord: https://discord.gg/c7YSmymBqs

Our Hive Applications

Join Web3: https://inleo.io
Microblog on Hive: https://inleo.io/threads
Build a Microblogging Community on Hive: https://inleo.io/communities
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APY, Paid Daily. Currently @ 3.5M HP
Hivestats: https://hivestats.io
LeoDex: https://leodex.io
LeoFi: https://leofi.io
BSC HBD (bHBD): https://wleo.io/hbd-bsc/
BSC HIVE (bHIVE): https://wleo.io/hive-bsc/
Earn 75%+ APY on HIVE/HBD: https://cubdefi.com/farms

Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

CubFinance (BSC): https://cubdefi.com
PolyCUB (Polygon): https://polycub.com
Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO): https://wleo.io

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