Silver Gold Stackers Engagement Initiative #14 - 10 HSBI For Grabs

Silver gold stackers engagement initiative #14.png

Week 14

Hello dear precious metal lovers! Due to my Madrid trip, this new question of the week comes a bit delayed but that's ok, because this week I will double the HSBI shares I give away to 10 in total at the very least. I'm looking forward to spread a bit of shares around and therefore I will reward the commenters on this post a little extra this week.


Some weeks I'm a bit in doubt what I already asked everyone and I yet have to catch up on creating the compilation posts in the near future, but until then, I think I shall start with creating a simple list of the already asked questions to avoid doubles. Sometimes my mind goes into creative overload and I forget if I only thought about asking something or actually did. So a bit of organizing won't do any harm.. With lots of things to consider and walk through in real life, I added this to my to do list but with a little lower priority than some paperwork and boring administration stuff.

The question

Week 14 Silver gold stackers engagement initiative question.png

The question in text:
"If you have a precious metal wish list: The item you desire to have most is available, the price and funds are no obstacle.. show me which item you'd buy and why."

My answer

At this point in my journey, there are many items I still want to have, but I think this one stands out from the others on my wish list due to the extremely great art.. I was in awe finding it. I even wrote a post about it, click here..



Check out the post I wrote if you like, I'm in awe with this one I can appreciate some art in any form and like I wrote in the post, if I'd ever sin.. this would probably be my number 1 choice (for now).

I could have picked a more valuable silver coin or even a golden one but I just went through my saved wish list on the computer and this is the one that stands out without a doubt. It surely helps that they fit the Mermaid mother and daughter silver round as well lol. They could be related!

What about you?

Now let's hear it from you to see what's on the top of your list, and why... You can write a comment below or a whole separate post if you like like @trumpman loves to do, everyone who engages (on topic) here has a shot at 1 (or some) HSBI shares..

Let's hear it, I'm curious if everyone will pick a really expensive item or that there is more to the story of why one would be picked. I suspect there could be a few interesting personal stories shared. At least try to include why you picked that item, rather than just sharing a picture.

Have fun!

The Hive round picture is my own (yay) and the silver background image used in the question and header image come from Canva Pro.

The mermaid rounds on my wish list contain the source to the online store where I found them.

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