2024 Palau Underwater Fantasy Mermaids 3oz Silver Atiqued Coin - Just WOW!



Remember that I shared that new mermaid and daughter silver round recently? I want to buy two, one for each daughter, I already bookmarked the coin shop where they sell it. Today I was browsing for something else on Amazon, as I'd probably not buy silver there anyway, but on the bottom, this coin from Palau was shown and I was intrigued by the blue colour and had to see what this coin was about. If you like it, make sure to check the site for the detailed pictures + video!!! yourself here.

Wow, just wow

To me, this is a true piece of art and I got lured to it because of the blue part which is stunning alone but if you look at the silver details, on both sides, there's so much to see and I love every bit of it.


The other side:


Just as gorgeous!

3oz antiqued silver round

The coin's denomination is 20 dollars and was listed on Amazon (here in Spain that is) for €399, at least that one listing, I didn't look further because I went to look it online to find out more instead. I'm not in the position to spend such an amount on anything at the moment but I had to know more so this is when I found it on the GR Reserve website.


Below the specs I found:

WEIGHT: 3 oz
PURITY: 0.9999
FINISH: Antiqued
SPECIAL FEATURE: Smartminting® (Ultra High Relief)
PACKAGING: Display Box


It's a pretty box, and I'd be over the moon if I'd be gifted this one lol. Just wow!


The description is quite nice:

Beneath the surface of the ocean unfolds a realm of unparalleled enchantment. An «Underwater Fantasy», that entices with an allure of mystery and wonder. Driven by curiosity and courage, we plunge into the depths, seeking treasures and uncovering secrets of ancient cities lost to the watery abyss. Amid underwater forests and awe-inspiring cliffs, a symphony of fantastical marine life dances while bio luminescent organisms illuminate our path to hidden wonders. Thanks to sophisticated technology and the use of enamel, the impressive depth and water effect are truly breathtaking.

Detail pictures

Some detail pictures before I stop looking at this myself because I'm really in awe :)


The colour is really great, I love that type of blue, don't you?


Another one in detail..


The mermaids from the other side:


As the mintage is just 777, I would like to believe that this could be a coin that would be worth more in the future due to the beautiful piece of art it is itself, especially considering (if true) the price of 279 coming down from 390, which btw, I didn't check if this was correct as this is just another dream piece I'm drooling over with the thought "if only I could".

If I would ever sin...

But I will be honest, if I would ever sin and buy a coin with a high premium, and some colour, this would definitely be one that I'd consider. I've seen some very beautiful ones with dragons and other antiqued finishes that I thought were amazing pieces of art, none of them gave me this WOW feeling as this one did though. I bookmarked it, just in case, as you never know. I would like to look for it maybe in some time when I became rich and can afford it, haha.

I can appreciate art a lot, and it doesn't really matter if that comes in the form of a silver coin, piece of jewellery, painting, a vase or a statue, sometimes art just speaks to you. And when it does, one can dream, right?

I'm going to wish you either a great day, evening or night, as for me it's time to hit the bed.. Thank you for stopping by!

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