Today I Received A Package With A Silver Gift - I'm So Grateful!

2023  Samoa Mermaid Mother & Daughter 1 oz silver round.png

Scottsdale mint: mother and daughter mermaid silver

It was about three week ago when I wrote this post where I just found out that the coin I felt I had to buy as a symbol for me and my two daughters was sold out. I felt that I had to be quick when I found it for a good price here in Spain, but I could not miss the funds right away and therefore I kept an eye on the store, finding it still available every day, until it was sold out. Ouch.

Scottsdale mint

I was genuinely sad as it was the first time that I felt a connection with a coin that I wanted to buy to honour my two daughters. Of course I knew these things happen and usually I would say, it wasn't meant to be and something better is coming, just wait and be patient. This time I didn't feel this way and was a bit angry at myself for having to save up every euro to get to Madrid soon for a passport renewal for our daughter. But I'm used to dealing with the punches by now, lol so I figured it would work out some way, just not right now.

Writing it off

I did what I always do when I feel I need to vent, write about it. So I did with this bummer. What happened next was unexpected and totally blew my mind. Someone that I barely spoke with until that moment, a dear soul called @dfinney, wrote a comment "don't be sad, I have two for you". I felt grateful that someone was willing to sell two of these to me and I was wondering if I should have asked the community if anyone could get their hands on these for me but in another part of the world. Sometimes a solution is closer than you'd think.

A gift

The message I received after I contact @dfinney was blowing my mind, she added them to her order and they were for me if I wanted, a gift. A gift? From someone I barely know as I'm so new in the community, you can imagine that I was smiling from ear to ear as well as teared up a bit. Yes, I'm an emotional person and these things touch my heart and greatly help to restore my faith in human kindness. I come from far with that, because I've seen so much bad in people that trust had to be earned and was not granted automatically anymore.

Random acts of kindness

The beautiful thing about my faith in human kindness and people throwing these random acts of kindness around, even to strangers was mostly restored by my connections made on Hive (and first Steemit). Yes, in real life there were some of these souls too, but the overall restoring of this feeling has come from this platform which is also why I would not just leave this behind. I came for the earnings and stayed for the community.

I too have done some random acts of kindness over the years, not just on this platform but also in real life, for example for the homeless in Budapest, even though we were still recovering financially ourselves. But still, whenever such a thing happens to me, even it's a small thing, I feel extremely grateful and proud of my fellow community members for having such a big heart and doing this. I know I already said it many times but again, thank you so much!

Special place in my heart

Now that it was gifted to me, the rounds are even more special to me as they now come from someone that I consider a friend far away and I hope that one day we meet so I can give you a real life hug. Thank you for this great gift, my youngest has already said it's the most beautiful one she's seen and says this is mine :) while my oldest will read this one day in the future and will then hear the story behind it, about a kind person sending it from the other side of the world and the big trip the coins have made (in such a short time!) before arriving home.

A package arrived

The package was supposed to be delivered days before I went to Madrid but they came just when we were out for grocery shopping. The notification said they'd come the next working day but instead they wrote a note two working days later and dropped it in the mailbox without trying to deliver it again. All was well though, today I picked them up at the post office. I was laughing when I opened the package and saw two frogs:

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (2).jpg
Oops, one got torn before I noticed it

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (4).jpg

Here are the rounds (sorry too much light, lol) still attached to the Scottsdale mint packaging. I noticed they had some spots on it and was afraid this was damage on the silver:

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (5) marked.jpg

And the other one:

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (6) marked.jpg

I decided to take them out and see what's causing it:

It was just the capsule, thankfully..png

What a relief, nothing a new capsule can't fix. I don't have any laying around but I will get these soon. For now, I just put the coins in upside down so the mermaids can be admired without any weird spots. And they are beautiful!

Let's have a closer look

Aren't they just beautiful? I've always found the mermaid silver rounds that I saw appear in the community very nice but I never bought any of them. With this one, I felt the connection as I mentioned above and in my previous posts when I decided I wanted to buy them. One for each daughter, and I can tell you, the real deal does not disappoint.

I love how loving the mother holds her daughter's face and how the hair is moving in the water.. the little bubbles and the artsy edge with shells. And then their tails, the tiny dots, I love it all. So pretty!

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (26).jpg

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (1).jpg

Again, a nice artsy edge and "one troy ounce, Samoa 2023, 999 fine silver, 2 Tala" written on the other side. But let's have a closer look at the rest as it must have some meaning for Samoa which I had to look up at the Scottsdale mint.

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (29).jpg

Samoa coat of arms, I had to look this up and this is where I found what it says exactly:


Some more specs:


And finally, one last pictures of this beauty before I lay both beauties to rest in my silver chest before I find my bed too as it's already late. I could not go to bed before sharing my so desired two new rounds as I'm over the moon to have them in my collection.

2023  Samoa 1 oz silver mermaid mother and daughter round (30).jpg


I feel grateful to be included in the silver gold stackers community, not because of this gift but because of the connections I've already made so far. All the wisdom and personal stories that people have been willing to share with me and I can truly say that I feel welcome and honoured to learn so much from you all.

While I will take care of these ladies with great care, there's just one thing left for me today and that's to wish you a good day or night, wherever you are in the world..


All pictures above are my own, unless stated otherwise...

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