The Growing Importance Of Page Views

We are watching things unfold regarding LEO.

Shorts is nOW live which means the ability to load sub 60 second videos directly from Threads. Over the past couple days, it seems that many of the problems were resolved. NOW we are just awaiting the dedicated page similar to what YouTube offers with its shorts.

Tied to this, naturally, has to be a recommend engine. This might not be released immediately with the page but cannot be far behind. When people are scrolling through shorts, they want to see content they like. This is where machine learning comes in. All the major sites use it. Once constructed, it can improve over time.

Of course, the solution might be LeoAI. I do not know where that stands with its training or how far advanced it. Perhaps that could be integrated quickly to enhance what is taking place.

Nevertheless, we will see these entering the platform at some point. We have basic algorithms of this nature within the For You feed and at the end of articles. Thus, the capability is looking to be added to the platform.

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Page Views

If we look at the near term rollouts for Leo, we are seeing things major things:

This is not necessarily the order. In fact, there is going to be overlap. LeoAI, for example, is bigger than a simple rollout. There will be different components, added as time passes. Some might not even be known now.

All of this leads to the idea of page views.

It was a topic that was discussed regarding the Ad Revenue platform when that went live last year. Unfortunately, due to who we were dealing with, it was a feature that was removed. The plan is not to build an ad platform similar to Facebook.

Here is where page views enter the picture.

From a Leo standpoint, the more page views done on a monthly basis, the more that can be charged. companies want activity and this is one metric (not the only one mind you).

There is also the personal point of view, which is even more important.


If you are running a business, what do you want? Obviously you want more revenue. That is what most businesses strive for.

When it comes to the online world, there are many things that feed into this. For content creators, it tends to be some form of viewership. Naturally, there are other ways such as selling products or affiliate programs. Nevertheless, the more eyes one receives, the higher the revenue generated is the general rule of thumb.

With Leo, the idea is to get people clicking on as much of your stuff as possible. The recommend engines (LeoAI) is certainly going to enhance this. It will also help to bring back older content that is long buried in the database.

The distribution of Ad Revenue will likely be tied, in some way, to page views that a person receives. Thus, it is in everyone's interest to get in front of as many people as possible.

Naturally, this is going to require having content viewed from many different sources. Here is where I think the recommend engines can really help.

If they are linking content together, offering up suggesting, this can lead others to find it. For example, let's say you do a number of threads on Bitcoin. In addition, you wrote a number of articles on that topic. Here is where LeoAI could have an understanding of your interest in this topic.

As you generate more content, it further emphasizes this. Therefore, when it comes to recommending, your Bitcoin content will be linked. This means the chance of your stuff being recommended increases with this topic.

Of course, the presumption here is the system is learning as it goes. Machine learning requires a great deal of activity. LLM are using vector databases which, according to many, are better to this type of data correlation.

We already see the power of this with something like YouTube. That platform has powerful engines providing content to people it thinks they will enjoy. One of the reasons for the desire of these companies to integrate their AI is to improve on this. That is the thinking at least.

The bottom line is page views are going to mean more money. The best way to achieve this, in my view, is to start having data that gets linked together. This means taking the time to build our profiles around certain topics. It also means things such as tagging to help clarify what the data is.

All of this will pay off in the long run. What happens if you have 10K interconnected threads about a particular theme? Under that, you have a number of topics that are also "linked" together.

As you can see, this generates something completely different. It is also how things such as thread can be brought back to life.

On Leo, that will eventually be monetized.

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