Music On Leo About To Be Put On Steroids

The Music on Leo project keeps forging ahead.

Wayne Gretzky, when asked what made his some great, stated that he never went to where the puck was, always to where it was going.

This is the same thing with LEO. One good thing about the platform is there is little that is really sprung on the community as a surprise. The weekly AMAs tell us what is going on.

For this reason, it is important to take what is said as a guide as to the direction things are heading. For the last couple years, that is the exact approach I took. Like the Great One, I was not concerned where things were; only where they were headed.

This is what allowed me to take a longer term outlook and forecast what would be added. It wasn't that difficult since it was repeatedly mentioned.

For example, how long did we hear about ad revenue being implemented? It was so long most failed to understand that it was actually going to arrive. It seems that most were caught with their pants down since they weren't prepared for it. How many took some basic suggestions to build up their content or to refresh older articles? My guess is very few took those steps.

Over the last couple weeks, Music on Leo has really grown. However, this project can become one of the powerhouses of the Leo platform. In fact, due to recent announcements, it will be put on steroids.

Let us take a look at what is taking place.


Evergreen Threads

LeoAds is revolutionary in that it ads evergreen payouts to content on Hive. So far, we have not really seen this. We still primarily operate within the 7 day voting window. This is about to change.

Of course, it applies only to long form content. There is little reason to include threads because, afterall, they get lost. Also, who the heck creates a Thread that have much value. Few read it the first time let alone multiple times.

Here is where Music on Leo took a different approach. The idea was to capture threads posted with songs in them. This opened them up to repeat visits. It was done understanding how the system was. That said, it was going to be something that was pushed if a change was not implemented.

What change was that? Having evergreen content on threads. While this might take a while to implement, it looks like it is coming. That will truly change things and benefit those who were active posting songs (threads) under Music on Leo.

Consider how infrequent a post gets viewed on Hive. What is a big count? 50 maybe? This is nothing. Part of the reason for LeoGlossary, in general, was to take the lifetime page counts higher.

This, naturally, pales in comparison to the hits music gets. Hence, we could see a threads (song) get thousands of views over time. Do you think that will help the total view count for the one who posted it?

It is something that was not expected but I believed could come into practice. It seems someone was aligned with me on that.

##Leo Search

This is a bit of a wild card and we do not have many details. However, we are led to believe a stronger search engine is being developed for threads.

Could this be a game changer for Music on Leo? At this point, without knowing the details of the search, it is impossible to say.

What we can say is that search will help with the finding of content. This is going to be tied to LeoAI which means the data is processed.

My guess is we will be able to pull up info via a general search such as the name of a song. This is just a guess but it stands to reason that is how it will be set up.

Thread Recommend

Here is where we see Music on Leo put on steroids.

If this feature is reasonably accurate, it is a game changer. The idea is that at the end of a thread, it will recommend another one. Eventually, this will be added to blog posts.

Where it is key for Music on Leo is the fact that it is effectively recommending other music in the database after visiting a thread. Again, this takes a bit of vision since we are not really sure how well it will operate.

Nevertheless, imagine listening to a song by Van Halen and the recommend engine offers a few other songs of similar nature. This will likely be other Van Halen songs to begin with but, over time, as more people use the feature, perhaps it starts to recognize patterns and match them up. Hence, it might suggest threads by other rock bands.

This is similar to how YouTube works. Click on any song on that platform and you will have a list of other songs recommended. Obviously, the volume of data collected over the years makes this very accurate, something LeoAI will have to work up to.

However, we can start to see the feature-set that is similar to other platforms. Now it is a matter of getting the volume up and training the AI on more data.

I keep banging the drum about creating services on Hive. Music on Leo is one that, with a few technical additions, could be something that many lions utilize.

And we know, songs get a lot of visits.

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