Improve Your Exposure To The Search Engine By Using LeoGlossary

Do you want to enhance your following?

If the answer is yes, then the best thing you can do is to add the links from LeoGlossary into your articles.

Internal links are an overlooked aspect of pagerank. Many feel that internal links are only useful for ensuring there are no orphan pages. Once linked, it is indexed and Google is done with it.

That does not appear to be the case. In fact, internal links are just as important as external links. Obviously, the higher ranks the page linking, the better. That said, it is something that should not be sidestepped.

For this reason, LeoGlossary is taking on a new meaning within Leofinance. Over time, we see to build an enormous database on Hive, providing people with information along with links they can use.

How does this help your articles?

Let us dig deeper into it.


Add Relevance

The most obvious reason for adding links to your articles to relevance. When you are writing about a particular topic, say cryptocurrency, any information you can provide that helps the comprehension is useful to the reader.

Here is where linking enters the picture. Perhaps the reader does not know what Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) or distributed ledger technoloty (DLT) is. However, by putting a link to LeoGlossary, the user can easily get the relevant information.

This is very important for the understanding of your articles. This is especially true when delving into something that has a bit of technical issues with it. At the same time, finance is not something that most people excel at. Therefore, if using these terms, it is helpful to link them.

Of course, the user is not the only one who benefits.

Google Loves The Information Also

It turns out Google is also a fan of more information.


Context is something that search engines struggle with. Links can help to decipher the meaning.

For example, the term "account" can carry a few meanings. It can be a recap of a situation yet have a totally different meaning in the financial realm. Hence, linking account in the latter scenario tells the search engine what you mean.

Getting back to the relevance and anchor text, this is what we learn from Google:

During a Google Webmaster Central Office Hours Hangout in 2018, Mueller was asked if updating the anchor text of internal links to help users could have an impact on search engine results.

He responded that making the anchor text more useful to users would also be more beneficial for search engine crawlers.

It is clear that Google loves the clarification also.

Which brings us to everyone's favorite topic: SEO.

Here again, internal links are of benefit.

In March 2022, John Mueller was asked if internal links were still crucial to SEO if structured data for breadcrumbs were present. He said, “internal linking is super critical to SEO.”

Then, he went on to call it one of the most important things you can do on a website to guide Google to your most important content.


Enhancing Your Articles

It is to your benefit to add a few keyword links to each article. This will help your content rank better within Google (the single search engine that really matters).

We all know there is difficulty with Leofinance. To start, the site is not well optimized from the design perspective. There is nothing any of us, as users, can do about that. Unless the development team decides to approach that, this is what we have.

At the same time, blockchain tends not to be well ranked. It is a problem with the fact that content is viewed as duplicated since different front ends can pick it up. Again, there is nothing we can do about that so we just have to navigate around it.

Finally, we have a plethora of information being posted on here daily, much of it delving into areas that have no relation to each other. This is just another example of the nature of the beast.

Now for the good news: we can do things to enhance the value of our articles, even if we have some cards stacked against us.

Much of what we are dealing with is new. That means the rankings are not but a few years old. For this reason, if Leofinance can keep growing, the relevance of what we are producing will also expand.

Since the inception of LeoGlossary, the model was Wikipedia. This also covers a cross-section of information. However, when we look at it, each page has thousands of internal links. The sheer volume of the linked pages is incredible. It is no wonder it is one of the top results in most searches.

Leofinance, to a smaller degree, could end up doing something similar. Investopedia does rather well since it is full of content along with very directed areas of focus. Over time, these have grown to be gigantic sites, with large volumes of data.

By incorporating these ideas into Leofinance, we can make our articles more informative to the reader. As we can see, Google also appreciates that.

In the end, there are no silver bullets. It takes consistent effort over time, producing quality content that is linked. If we can do that, perhaps we can start getting Leofinance ranked in a few different areas.

Also, as LeoGlossary grows, hopefully people will start using it on external sites.

The key is to keep building.

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