Financial mindset : Planning budget travel.

Travelling is a great way to relive ourself from the stress. Our day to day busy lifestyle and work pressure and many other things makes us to feel life pretty complicated. Travel allow us to be free from all the stresses and to be in ourself. Often people likes to travel abroad or to some unknown destination that won't expose them to the day to day life. However, exploring to differrnt places must comes up with a definite plan. An unwanted travel may end up making a hole in the wallet. This requires to have a budget in place, so that, it does not cost much.

(my own edited image)

Budgeting has alwsys been an essentials, for a good lifestyle. We often budget out our expenses as per the income to save or to meet certain unexpected expenses. Travelling to new destination too require a good budget and plan in place before we began our journey. I happen to be a travellor enthusiast myself, and alwsys plan out my expenses so that the expenses does not get over the pocket. Before going out it is important to know about the place and their lifestyle. At least we have an idea of how long we will be spending in each of the place. Also before going out, I look after following things :

  • Off season travelling : I like to swim against the tide. While people choose to travel on season, I plan my travel innkff season time. It allows me to save hefty amount. Duringbthe seasonal timing, travel industry hikes up prices to take advantage of travellor. So from folding to accomodstion everything gets expensive. Even the airlines too charge at a higher rate. Doing a minute research to know the best time to visit the intended destination, and then travel just before or after these dates. You won't going to loose much as far as charm or fun of your travel.
  • Travel Booking: I always prefer to plan my travel during weekdays. This is to avoid the weekend rush. Midweek travel prices are lower as compaired is to weekend flights. Also, if I am opting for Railways, then too the weekdays travel allows me better reservation. Weekends often get too much rush and last minute premium reservation may cost much. So again choosing the right mode of the transport is essential to allow the travel within the budget.

  • Tour and fooding: Travelnis fun when we get to explore the place at the roots level. Many people opt for personal cab to take the city tour, while I opt for the local public transport. It is way cheaper than booking cabs. I also crave for thr local cuisines and fruits diets than spending too much of expensive restaurants. It is fun to explore the exotic place by getting into the local skins.

  • Accomodation: Acoomodstion has alwsys been a challenge. Not everyone is born Millionaire to spend on luxuries hotels. When it comes to accomodstion, I check upon any known people or ready to share the room in hostels or railway dorms. They are much cheaper to the pocket and help the travel in our budget.

In addition to all these expenses deriving any "source of earning" during the travel time would be an icing on the cake. I use to share my travel experince on #Hive blockchain to meet any extra expenses. People can choose upon any free lance activities like blogging on #web3, paid photography etc to generate some income. It helps in balancing out the budget evenly.

Budget travel is alwsys beneficial to keep our expenses in check. This is my fifth prompt writing for INLEO Monthly pompt for the m/o February.


Namaste @steemflow

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