Introducing the New Steemleo FAQ Page - send it to your friends! (or enemies)

I spend a fair amount of time each day talking to people and trying to get them interested in the Steem blockchain. It's quite a wide-ranging group of folks -- some old, some young. Some technologically inclined and some.. not so much.

Inevitably, I drag them down the rabbit hole and they begin to ask questions. Questions come in all shapes and sizes but there are a great many questions that reoccur so often that it is clear they need to be answered for each new user who walks in the door.

Everyone is a potential user of Steemleo and I'm always looking for an edge when it comes to getting them outfitted with an account and rolling on the website. I make it clear that I want to see them make their first post, engage with some comments and even play around with their wallet balances, if they're into the finance aspect of it all.

Up until now, I've been using a combination of the Steemleo Welcome Page and a pre-loaded series of text messages that I send out to people who ask me to reserve their account.

This works fairly well, but it's not a perfect strategy. Even though I cover quite a bit in the text messages, I'm unable to cover everything. This is where an extensive FAQ page would come in handy.

So here's what I did:

After dozens of conversations about the same topic -- what the hell is Steemleo and how do I use it? -- I've curated a listed of common questions and installed a new FAQ page on the Steemleo website.

This FAQ page will be getting constant updates. I'll continue to write down the common questions I get about Steem and Steemleo and put them onto this page and find even better ways to organize the process of teaching people about this place.

For now, it's going to be a major time saver for me to just send people to when they've got questions that need answering.

In the near future, I'd like to get a form added to that page as well. Something along the lines of "Got a question that isn't answered on here? Shoot us a message" -- and it would send an Email to Steemleo.

Remember that this FAQ page is primarily for new users to both Steem and Steemleo, but I've broken it up into 3 primary sections -- The Basics, Intermediate and Advanced.

Not all users need to know much past the basics. Some people will simply come here to blog and have fun in the comments and upvote some cool stuff.

Others may want to do a bit more like increase their token income or understand how exactly Proof of Brain works. There's an intermediate section for them.

Others still may have a deep desire to learn everything they possibly can and go deep down the rabbit hole (people like me, I assume). Diving into the Advanced section will be a treat for them.

A level for each type of user. That's the way it should be.

Another thing on my near-term to-do list is to take the entire FAQ and create a video/audio series that covers it. A lot of people these days prefer to watch and listen rather than read. As the FAQ grows more extensive, I'll add the options to toggle between video/audio/text at the user's leisure.

If you have any ideas for how to improve this FAQ page (or want to contribute to any other Leopedia page/section) send us a message on the SteemLeo Discord server!

In other news, Leoshop is finally launching this week. More details to come.

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all of our LEO author/curation rewards on this post are permanently burned from the token supply


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