Amazing profit opportunity **Read**


Ok so the title is over the top and almost all titles like that are spam, etc. but the problem I found was how do you get peoples attention for legit opportunities now in days? Anyhow, I am being completely genuine, you can see my post history and see that I don't go around posting about junk projects for referral clicks.

This project that I stumbled on is on stellar's network. Only network besides hive & wax that I support. The platform is called SL8, meant to be (slate) I believe. It is a social network platform, a-lot like ecency, Etc.

I don't know a ton about it since I just found out about it yesterday but I will briefly layout the basics and the great investment opportunity (atleast it is a no brainer pay day IMO and I can back up my belief with transactions I made 10 minutes ago in their IDO).

First off Here is a link, its a referral link, which will get you 1000 bonus SLX tokens to like posts with.

They currently have a IDO sale that just opened and will be open for a week or until the 400mil tokens available sell out. The token is SSLX, max supply will be 10 billion and 1% released into circulation max per month. Thus max supply will take 100 months minimum to be released from the genesis which was in May 2021.

The price per coin in the IDO is $0.0044706, the coin currently sells for around $0.013 on the stellar dex (so you buy for 1/3rd the current market price). Of course their is a trade off attached but its as low risk as it gets in my experience. All tokens bought from the IDO are staked for 1 year as soon as you buy them at a 20% APR. You do receive your stake reward every 7 days from the moment you buy though and you can hold, trade or stake the reward tokens you receive weekly as they are not locked or anything. 1 year from the purchase you will receive 100% of the tokens you purchased.

The token is up about 10x from its market value at genesis in May 2021. It has steadily gone up over the brief 6 months that it has been around for. If you do the math it would take about 100 days to get 100% ROI on any tokens you buy in the IDO just by selling the weekly stake rewards for the first 100 days (assuming you sold the tokens at current market price). That would leave you with around 70% of the staking rewards + the coins you purchased at 1/3rd the value for free.

Below id the market chart from the end of May when it was released till now. The market price in day is seen in the screen shot of 0.0052036 XLM per SSLX and the current price of 0.043xxxxx XLM per SSLX so do your own research and make your own conclusion as you always should, its your money to lose or profit after all.

Directions to participate in IDO: You have to download their app on google/itunes and either import a XLM wallet you own or create a new one in the app in order to get whitelisted. You can buy $10-$10,000 worth and pay with USDC from your stellar wallet. Once you have SL8 wallet up and running, just click the menu in top left corner and click buy SSLX. You can buy more then $10,000 worth but may require KYC and requires talking to someone at SL8 first.


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