The Broken Walls; The Guardless Situation.


(The guardless situation)

Life is guarded by walls called principles. Once these walls are broken, the red light is shown for help. It is necessary that one must not be guardless, for 'guardlessness is a death trap.' The Bible says;

Prov.25.28 - He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.

Your emotions are not a sin, but uncontrollness is a sin. There is a wall put around you, which is your defense when faced with different circumstances of life.

You are the city, and your spirit is the king over your city. Train your spirit to rule your city well. When faced with offense, think deeply, leave the city (external factors), and walk down to your king (your spirit).
Your spirit has more details about things than your emotions; keep your spirit calm; consult him and allow him to make better decisions to settle any case.

Be on guard, lest the walls be broken. Because:

You put a question tag on your character when you allow your emotions to control you. You ought to be the boss.
Because, when the walls are broken, character is questioned.
When the walls are broken, violence is inevitable.
When the walls are broken, relationship are separated.
When the walls is broken, personality are dragged to mud.
When the walls are broken, respect flys away.
When the walls are broken, trust is broken.
When the walls are broken, a strong man is count a weakler.
When walls are broken, you like to regret your actions.
When the walls are broken, you injured yourself internally and otherwise.
When the walls are broken, intelligence turn to stupidity.
When the walls are broken, resources are wasted.
When the walls are broken, energy is channel in the wrong direction.
When the walls are broken, spirituality drops.

Whatever you can't control become your controller or master, Self control is the key.
I know a greater King who has be of great help to many kings hereby giving them direction in their chaos.
His name is Jesus, the King of Kings.
He has been helping me, He can also help you if you go to him for help and be willing to allow him helps.

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