I made a Hive ad!

A lot of what I spend my time and energy on is experimentation. What results does this yeild? How effective is this? What do I enjoy or dislike about doing that? What can I learn if I try this?

On top of that, I like to challenge myself to see if I can do something I thought I would never do. The more I dislike something, the more I want to find reasons to like it (or at least accept it) and prove myself wrong.

It’s with that mindset that I started making videos for 3speak and later started a Youtube channel an audio podcast version of the same material, and now, a twitch account. All three were started with the spirit of experimentation, not with any wild dreams of becoming an influencer.

If I have any concrete goals, it’s just to become better at bridging different communities, starting deeper and more productive conversations around culture and how we live our lives and to create more income streams for myself without any expectation of being able to make a living from any one stream in particular. But my expectations are very low, and I’m happy just to learn whatever I can learn from each venture and to keep trying new things.

I found video editing to be incredibly tedious, though somewhat rewarding. I learned how to edit videos step by step, improving along the way, but never really making something that felt like it was the best it could possibly be.

This time though, I put everything into it, and what better topic than “How blogging changed my life”. And such, I’ve leveled up, although I am not sure if this can become a regular thing.

I started the video the way I start anything else, stream of consciousness, trying to find what my soul wants to explore and letting it happen naturally. After that, like a crystal mined from the earth, I polish and chip away until what’s left is the best I have to offer. After it became a blog post, a few months ago, and from there I decided to do a spoken stream of consciousness and carve that down from 21 minutes to 15 minutes.

I realized that this could serve as an advertisement for Hive because I was essentially talking in depth about how Hive changed my life and including footage from peakd, Inleo, Ecency and others. I decided I should step it up a notch and and some clips and silly editing techniques to make the video more engaging and fun.

Thus a Hive ad was born!

It took a whole lot longer than any other video I’ve made. 5-6 hours at least, probably more and do to some mistake I made saving the file, I lost an hour worth of work and put the video on hold for 3 months while I worked on other things like my visa, my classes and my new twitch channel where I teach Japanese and English while playing RPG’s.

Finally I decided I owe it to Hive and to myself to finish this video and put it out into the world and see if anything happens. If not that’s ok, at least I was able to see mysef reach a new level of engaging editing.

I hope this can show people all the awesome reasons to start a Hive blog so feel free to share the youtube link or retweet it on X:

How Blogging Changed My Life (on Youtube)

And on Twitter:

You can find all my work gathered here:


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