This is Your Time: Go For Financial Stability and Growth.

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Delay is dangerous said by the wise. Being quick and agile saves life and awaken one financially. Hard to achieve a lot when one is delaying to take a lead. Nothing seems to work when one is delaying but presence and being active gets things successfully.

Delaying can be termed foolishness and such foolishness always end up badly and death can occur. For instance, the story of ant and grasshopper buttress the fact. Although the story teaches about being thoughtful and hardworking, such qualities is the opposite of being timely and quick. Ant known for its hardworking and industrious. It labored very hard during the dry season which coincide with the harvest seasons where varieties of crops/seeds are available. They work in unison even without a leader to gather enough food on their store houses. It's never enough for them so fast as there's food available. Also, Grasshopper on the hand, playing and enjoying itself till hard times comes. They took no note about their place in the time and suffer immersely. While the ant understands the times and make good use for its survival.

Everyone is the author and pacesetter of their life. Despite the beginning which usually varies, what one will be financially, it's purely the person's responsibility and at their court to decided. Rather than waiting, Take the bull by its horn and make a change. A real story of a man, who graduated with honors but can't secure a job. He came back home and engage in petty trading which is very low. Life was hard for him and suffering is his calling. One day, he took that bold step and moved to the bigger city. With his friend's help, he secured a job and became wealthy. It's all within us and time is of essence.

Dream big and move towards it. Rather than settling for less, think about how better, the future goals will be. Write down your plans and target for success. A friend was once secluded and isolated from others. Visiting him often was a blessing to him because he shut the world off from him. Many people thought that he is crazy and depressed. But, one day I saw his book where he is writing his thoughts and plans. I asked him why all this when he can still be normal as other want and plan his life. He laughed and his success story now answered my foolish question. After planning wisely, this is the time to implement it for goals.

Never let your past experience or mishaps from others to scare you. One of my uncle is once a successful business man. He travels far and wide to get his merchandise and sell at good prices. He was successful and everyone was so happy with him till he was involved in fatal accident. Many fellow passengers as I heard because it's been long, it occurred died while he sustained a deathly cut all over his body. Now, he is very good and healthy but can't engage in any form of serious business engagement because of that experience. He even tell us such stories to keep us back from excelling. Now, it's the time to avoid such stories and past experiences but move ahead for greatness and financial secure.

Utilize the potential and chances around for financial growth and stability. Every situation and circumstances open a rare opportunity for financial growth and stability. My friend saw an opportunity when we visited a remote area. We saw as those people in hinterland have enough food grains and crop ready for market but it's not available to them because of their low population and uniformity of trade. My friend saw an opportunity and utilize it by getting a means of transportation for those goods and sell them in the urban area where we reside, now success stories are coming from it.

Get a good advice and run away from pessimistic even if they are family members. In every opportunity, you had. Take the lead and avoid their distraction even if they pray and wish for your downfall. Let them be your source of encouragement as you creatively navigate through the humble beginning and establish yourself financially. Those advice might seem good but be considerate and know what you want.

Successful entrepreneur are risk takers. Being scare of perceived dangers can be stumbling block for our financial success. Learn to identify and differentiate between "mere" and mild risk from devastating and unnecessary consequences or risks that we supposed to avoid. Believing in luck or gamble for capital for business is one of the unnecessary risk or action to avoid in entirety. Seek for fund rightly and make a difference.


Delays are really dangerous and have devastating effect on making money. Be quick and cleverly utilize the chances for financial prosperity and growth.

Get a mentor and work collaborative with like minds for success. Never let pessimistic or past experience to bring us back but move forward for greatness.

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