Like ETH? You'll Really Like EMP Money!

Given the recent "doom and gloom," what do you think of the recent run-up in the price of ETH? Yeah, me too! πŸš€ There is an excellent protocol maximizing the opportunity for us all to take advantage of it!

Source: EMP Money's logo on Make DeFi Better's home page.

Not only enduring, but thriving, during the recent bear market, it just celebrated its 6-month anniversary.

Source: EMP Money's 6-Month Anniversary tweet on Twitter

Choosing to invest in it, beginning July 14th, I am already up over 10%. It didn't hurt any that I managed to start into this latest DeFi investing "adventure," with a stash of DCA-purchased ETH and, at the time, ETH was a touch over $1,100.

Welcome to EMP Money!
πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€

Let's take a closer look ... 🧐

EMP Money => "Fractionalized ETH"!

Built on the BNB chain, at a glance, you can see EMP Money referenced as an ETH-pegged DeFi protocol. Much as the U. S. Dollar used to be backed by gold, however, it may be better to refer to the EMP token as backed (you may find this interesting ...) by ETH! The more you look into how this protocol has been built, the more sense this distinction makes.

For example, the amount of EMP printed is constrained by its peg to ETH. If EMP falls below peg, printing of new EMP stops. And does not resume, until EMP is back above peg. This stood out to me immediately.

The EMP Money tokens:

  1. The "medium of exchange" token, EMP - pegged to ETH, at a ratio of 4000:1.

  2. The EMP Money shares token, ESHARES. The "responsible profit" token, it also supports voting rights on proposals to improve the protocol.

  3. The EMP Money bond token, EBOND. Very clever how this token is used to help EMP maintain its peg to ETH.

  4. And, of course, all backed by ETH.

How are they related to each other? In response, long impressed by the power of inspired "word pictures," I find this one hard to beat:

Source: Created by the !seeds command anywhere on EMP Money's Discord server.

Okay (putting on my "professional" skeptic / cynic hat ... πŸ€”πŸ˜‰), some clever wording is nice, but ... How well does this actually work?

Source: An overlay of the 4-hr ETH chart against the 4-hr EMP Chart presented on EMP Money's Discord server.

What do you think, dear reader? Has this team delivered on its objective?


There are a lot more details, e.g. tokenomics, etc., but ...

Source: The #charts-graphs channel on EMP Money's Discord server.

This post is intended to be introductory only. To potentially "whet your appetite" for taking a closer look for yourself! πŸ§πŸ‘

That said, here are some highlights:

  • Setting a "new standard," in many ways, EMP Money has a training Academy, with 21 free video lessons, to learn all about how every aspect of it works!

    • A highlight of what you will learn? Ever heard of "responsible profiting?" Me either! But, you will not leave the Academy without understanding it!

    • Those successfully completing it (which is verified), receive a special classification in their Discord server!

  • There are innovative and impressive investment options. For example:

    • Looking for the Mother Lode Node! 🧐 Look no further, EMP Money has you covered, with its "sized for any budget" synthetic "validator node" options!

    • Wanna stay very "conservative" ... and just stick with ETH? How about staking some of your ETH for a 19% return every 90 days ? Too good to be true? Read the "specs" and find out!

  • AMAs are a generally well received aspect of many communities, if they are willing to make the consistent commitment. Well ... How about daily AMAs!

    Yeah, you read that right, daily. With a highlight being the day's Detonator results πŸ‘‡ ...

  • "Game theory" fans will love the πŸ’₯DetonatorπŸ’₯ and its DRIP-like (inspired?) features. Two huge prizes are awarded daily - top depositor and random depositor - based upon daily tickets obtained via depositing and / or compounding!

There's certainly more, but I think you get the general idea ... πŸ˜‰ Closing on the last point, if nothing else, you will want to check this out:

Source: Great Hivean @hetty-rowan's post on "Defeat the bear with EMP.MONEY"!

No "spoiler alerts" needed here, as you will want to read it for yourself. Just one hint though πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ - "life changing" is in there! πŸ™‚


A fellow Hivean, @abrockman and his team have really created something special, with the EMP Money protocol. In my long, professional career, I have always been a "continuous improvement" advocate. And a big one!

DYOR into how much experience this team has in crypto, in general, and DeFi protocols, in particular, and I think you will be impressed. "Continuous improvement" is a central theme!

Form your own opinion, given this experience base, on a key question -

how have they chosen to apply it?
For their own benefit?
At your expense?

Or is it a mutually beneficial protocol?
That you can trust ?

The fact you are reading this post, which I stopped what I have been working on to write, gives you a pretty good idea of my answer!

Partnerships and "Circles of Trust"

Tempted to "go it alone" in life? Yeah, me too ... πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ However ... "Lessons learned" the hard way (as at least, far too often, is the case with me ...) would suggest our journey through life will be a lot easier if we form "partnerships" (in all the various ways that word applies) with others.

Without belaboring the point further, here are some key partnerships into which the EMP Money team has entered:

Liquid Capital

"Circles of Trust" takes on a deeper, richer meaning, when you take a DYOR look into what Liquid Capital is in the midst of attempting, with its 37 partners.

Source: "Final Week" prelaunch video on Defi Debrief's YouTube account.

A quick glance into this leads to the discovery EMP Money is far and away the biggest source of investment into this new venture. And they have published the fact their resulting 20% "share" - all +$100,000 of it - will be fully invested into restoring EMP to its peg to ETH!

On its home page, you can quickly browse through an "Executive Summary" of what Liquid Capital is all about.

For example,

"Built For The Passive Investor. LAR gives investors holding $LQD (Liquid Token) positive rebases that automatically compound within their wallets without the need to lock or stake them."

Where do I sign? 🧐 Yes! I have "signed up" ... πŸ‘πŸš€

Interested? Want to invest? Please use EMP Money's LC Presale link then! Hurry! The "window closes" on the prelaunch investment benefits this Sunday, July 24th (presale countdown timer here)!

  • Note: After LC's launch, I may be inspired to write a post about it, with my 1st impressions. πŸ˜‰

Make DeFi Better

With the historic (given its impact on the rest of us, whether we were personally invested or not) of Terra's LUNA and UST "stable" coin "algorithm," do we think that concept is dead?

What would be your first guess? πŸ€”

Well, one answer has been provided by Make DeFi Better. Whatever we may think of it, apparently EMP Money was impressed with it enough to form a partnership!

Source: Twitter tweet announcing this Medium post.

You may wish to read up on its stable-backed token, MDB+, to find out why. Its "steadily appreciating" feature is hard to ignore!

Majik Farm

Majik Farm is a multi-chain yield optimizer, utilizing a number of different strategies. With some now fully operational and more on the way ...

The "auto-vault" (AV) functionality (based on the "battle tested" code of Beefy Finance) of this new protocol is very impressive.

Source: EMP Money's auto-vault benefits post on Medium.

A key part of Majik's appeal to EMP Money is "behind the curtain," it is burning the EMP token and, thereby, helping EMP Money maintain its all-important EMP peg!


Combining these last two partnerships, I have invested some $$s into Majik's ESHARE-MDB+ autovault, i.e. a yield farm based on an LP with ESHARES paired with a "stable" (and steadily appreciating!) coin. πŸ‘πŸš€

Linking all of these together? Clearly "Circles of Trust" is a lot more than marketing hype to these organizations. As an example, you may want to read up on the Obsidian Council and its role. 🧐 These people are serious!

Additional Resources

If you like what you have "heard" so far, here are some additional DYOR resources:

  • 6-month anniversary post on Medium. Full of great insights and stats!

  • Weekly YouTube presentation called the "DeFi Debrief!" The most professionally produced crypto videos I have ever seen.

  • A very well run community on Discord:

    • Chock full of useful information, and

    • A "best of class," helpful, "A-Team" admin group who are "on it" 24 / 7 / 365! πŸ‘

  • The ubiquitous docs page!

  • I'll close with ... the future?

    Among other ventures, there will be a new version of EMP Money (IMP Money? πŸ˜‰) launched soon after the launch of the much-anticipated (in some corners of the cryptosphere ...) Pulse blockchain - Impulse!:

Source: Announcement post on Medium.


If inspired to check into any of this, dear reader, following up on all of these links should keep you ... "off the streets" πŸ˜‰ ... for awhile!


Is ETH actually leading a crypto market recovery? 🦁 Has ETH ever led a recovery? 🧐 We'll all have our thoughts on the answers, but ... Undoubtedly, the rally of the last few days has been encouraging. Finding a protocol based on ETH, which helps you maximize the opportunity to take advantage of it, was very exciting to me.

AJ and team have created an ecosystem which is hard to match. The more you take your own DYOR look into it, the more I think you will agree! EMP Money has done well, through the major downturn in the crypto market, its first 6 months.

The next 6 months? Now "on board," I am looking forward to finding out! πŸš€

I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build up our Hive Communities and add increasing value to our Hive blockchain! πŸ‘ 😊

Blogger @roleerob
Hive "Dolphin" 🐬, LeoFinance "Whale" πŸ‹, & Man Cave "Dragon" πŸ‰

🐝 🍯 🐝


P.S. I am not a financial adviser. Please consider this post as financial information and / or opinion only. Please perform your own due diligence, in whatever manner seems best to you, if you have found it to be beneficial.


Posted using LeoFinance and β€œimmutably enshrined” in the Hive blockchain on Thursday, 21 July 2022!

🌲 No trees were harmed in the publishing of this post! 🌲

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