DEFEAT the bear with EMP.MONEY

Defeat the BEAR with EMP

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Not the first, nor the last

Now this is not the first blog I write about EMP. And it won't be the last either. EMP is always innovating and always on the move. There are so many opportunities in the protocol to continue earning despite the bear market we are in.

Of course you have the farms, the latest addition of which is an ESHARES / MDB+ liquidity pool. This latest addition will help stabilize the ESHARES price, which is of course great news.

My life changed in a split second

But today I don't want to talk about protocol at all, great as that is. Today I want to talk about how EMP changed my life in a split second. And as I'm typing this, I'm just shaking, I can barely comprehend what happened, and I've shed tears of joy… all while I wasn't even awake for an hour!

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So what happened?

As you know, (if you have ever read my blogs), THE DETONATOR exists!

I have written a blog about this before. But for those who missed my blog before, sorry folks… I would suggest you read the Detonator Whitepaper for yourself. Today is a day for me when I can't even focus normally to type a cohesive blog. Let alone that I can properly explain a technical story like that of The Detonator. And the fact that I can't focus today is all because of that Detonator.

You should know that there are two daily lotteries in The Detonator. One of the lotteries is won by the person who had the highest deposit of the day. The other lottery goes to a random winner. And this morning when I woke up I saw a DM from @abrockman in my discord with just a line of text. But that one line left me running to my PC in overdrive, not knowing how fast to conjure EMP on my screen. Then click on the Detonator and then I just stared for a few minutes, while tears rolled down my cheeks of joy. I was the lucky winner of the random lottery won last night!



Now you should know that we have been living on the edge of the financial abyss for 8 years now. Since I lost my job at the end of 2014, I have not been able to find a new job. Various reasons have been put forward for this, but I know the main reason myself. My work history has a lot to do with this. Due to my high sensitivity, I have always had trouble presenting myself well in job interviews. You don't get a second chance, especially during that time. So in the end I got a job in a special company. People with a disadvantage in the labor market work here. That backlog can arise for various reasons, but the fact is that once you work there, you also get a "stamp" that you unfortunately can't get rid of. And companies simply don't hire you in a position anymore. This was something I had heard before I started working there. But what I underestimated. I assumed that once I would work there, I could continue to work there. Things went a little differently.

My contract was eventually not renewed, with the reason given that I was TOO GOOD. But the reason I had once started working there still existed. No one had helped me with that at all. Now, however, I had acquired another 'limitation' in the form of the 'stamp' that I had received from only working for this particular company.

In 2015 there was also no shortage in the labor market as there is now, so with more people looking for a job than there were jobs in stock, I got rejection after rejection. This was not good for my self-confidence. This didn't do my relationship any good either, and it certainly didn't improve our finances.

The little savings we had were quickly gone. First the boat was sold, then the car was sold and in the end we couldn't even use the heater in the winter. In 2018, it went completely wrong, I don't even want to talk about that period anymore. In 2019 my great support and rock, Rowan, was diagnosed with anal gland cancer, after which we had to let him go in December 2019.

Things slowly got better

Fortunately, from mid-2019 it seemed to be going somewhat better on a personal level and fortunately that has continued in 2020 and beyond. But even though the personal situation had improved, the financial worries remained. We just managed to survive, but really got nothing left, that was just not possible at all. That is why I have never bought crypto with fiat money. Simply because we didn't have fiat for that purpose. All the fiat money that came in was needed to make it to the end of the month. And by living extremely frugally, we were able to sustain ourselves financially, and it was even possible to buy a small old car again.

Investing my time

By now, investing my time in crypto had built up a bit, and my work for @raymondspeaks also enabled me to invest some when EMP.MONEY started. It wasn't much, but every little bit helps! I can say from the bottom of my heart that EMP has been nothing but good for me, and that I was very confident when the team announced they were starting The Detonator.

I was scared to put my EMP / ETH LP tokens in a contract, but I also knew that it could pay off in the long run. After all, The Detonator is a 365% ROI contract! So I got into Detonator for the long term. Every day I faithfully compounded my earned Daily Burst, and slowly I managed to grow from 3 tickets to 6 tickets.

Tickets? Yes tickets! For every 0.15 LP token you deposit, (0.12 LP token as your compound), you will earn 1 lottery ticket!

Meanwhile, the participating wallets in Detonator are growing day by day, and there are more and more people who have their tickets every day who participate in the daily lottery. You can have a maximum of 100 tickets per day. 50 tickets for compounding and 50 for depositing. You understand that my maximum 6 tickets per day is peanuts compared to other people who have 100 tickets or 50 tickets every day. Although I had secretly hoped for winning the lottery the first month, I had somewhat given up on that hope later on. My 6 tickets a day out of almost 10K tickets is a very small chance! It didn't seem possible to me, but the daily compounding and in that way still growing my maximum payout a little bit every day. Yes, that went on, of course!

My Lucky Day!

The day before yesterday was a busy and emotional day for me. It would have been Rowan's birthday, and even if he's not with me anymore, I haven't forgotten him. I still miss my big furry white friend. But of course I'm also busy with the three amazing monsters that roam around the house, need and deserve their attention. In addition, I have started on my first commissioned painting! Exciting! Add to that the necessary household chores, and you will understand that I was tired in the evening. Extremely tired.

I fell asleep early, with my laptop on my lap. I woke up around half past two in the morning. Because I still had my laptop on my lap, I suddenly thought, "Oh, now I can compound my Detonator, and then quickly switch off the laptop and go back to sleep". So that's done...

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And how great was the surprise this morning to find that message from AJ, "OMG You won the lottery".

I rushed to my pc and checked the EMP Detonator page, and there it was. I really won the lottery!

It feels totally unreal. This amount is life-changing money! I can barely comprehend it, and yesterday I checked about every hour during the day to see if it was still there. It really is! It's still unreal a day later. I know it's there, and that it gives us opportunities.

My partner didn't believe me at first

Yesterday, when I told my partner what had happened, he didn't believe me at all. I understand. Crypto is nothing more than virtual, paper money to him. Magic Internet Money. It really has to get to him what is possible now, that doors can open, and also that maybe in a while doors can be closed that we have been hoping for a long time to become possible. The realization has yet to come that the financial worries may not all suddenly disappear, but will certainly become a lot lighter.

Later he started looking at houses in Spain

In the afternoon his reaction was still incredulous, in the evening he was looking at houses in Spain on the internet. LOL. The penny begins to fall slowly. Although it will take some time before the real realization has sunk in. In any case, the future looks a lot brighter.


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