Crypto-Shots HIVE Market-Place


For those of you who frequent my blog often you will likely recognize the name Crypto-Shots from some of my previous posts some months back. Well I'm here to tell you that allot has happened in the Crypto-Shots universe since those posts including a HIVE NFT Market for the Crypto-Shots game. Which is what we will be focusing on in this post but before we get to that let me get you refarmilarized with Crypto-Shots.

What Is Crypto-Shots?

Crypto-Shots is a #play-to-earn game that allows players to earn tokens and NFTs all while having fun! Crypto-Shots is on the WAX and HIVE networks. What stands out about this game is most of the play-to-earn games on WAX are 2D and simple click-to-earn games, Crypto-Shots goes above and beyond such game play. Crypto-Shots has taken the blockchain gaming community by storm and has quickly risen to the top of PlayToEarns top blockchain games list.

  • Browser 3D game
  • NFT
  • Blockchain
  • Play-to-Earn
  • WAX
  • HIVE
  • $BOOM

Game Description:

(As described on the official site)

Browser-based FPS on the WAX and HIVE blockchains. Play & Earn our tokens and NFTs. Blend parts into WEAPONS to use in the game, take down enemies, collect CHARACTERS, travel to new planets using player-owned SPACESHIPs.
Or, if you like adrenaline, challenge your friends in the user-owned ARENAs! [soon!]. Official Site:

Crypto-Shots WHITEPAPER:

Crypto-Shots COMMUNITY:

Crypto-Shots SOCIALS

Crypto-Shots WebPage:

Top 50 Blockchain Games List


Crypto-Shots Parnters

Contact Information:

Crypto-Shots Hive Marketplace

Crypto-Shots HIVE NFT Marketplace is live. To visit click the following link: If you don't have HIVE KEYCHAIN installed you will have to install it so you can log in. The Crypto-Shots marketplace will have a link clearly displayed in which you can use to install the KeyChain app. Alternatively you can follow the laid out instruction listed directly below this paragraph to install the KeyChain app. If you are reading this and don't have a HIVE account set up yet there is also a link on the Crypto-Shots site that will allow you to create a HIVE account.

How To Install KeyChain

As noted Keychain will be needed to log in to the Crypto-Shots marketplace. Regardless of if you are participating in crypto-shots or not the Keychain App is something every HIVE Blockchain user should consider installing. The app makes HIVE account switching a breeze and keeps our keys safe.


Once logged in the Crypto-Shots marketplace for HIVE ( you will see an easy to follow layout. There will be two icon buttons on the screen in which will allow you to alternate between your personally owned NFT Packs and personally owned individual NFT's. Near the bottom of the log in screen you will see your HIVE Profile Name followed by clickable links that are named: Session, Your NFT's, Buy/Sell and About us. The your NFT section is the default page you land on when logging in. The Session link will take you to a page in which you can log out. The about us section will display the following information (some of which I already listed but will list here again): Hive contacts = Blog:, Community:, Marketing:, Twitter:, Discord: The Buy/Sell link will take you to the marketplace in which you can list or purchase Crypto-Shots NFT's. Currently the marketplace is working on accepting purchases using the HIVE token but for now SWAP.HIVE is what is used. DOOM and BEE are other payment options that are also accepted in the Crypto-Shots HIVE MarketPlace.

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