500,000 Chaos Legion Packs To Be Removed And Used To Create Decks

The Splinterlands team recently announced they are going to be removing 500,000 Chaos Legion Packs from circulation and using them to create decks for the NFTy Arcade Platform. When this action is planned to take place is unknown to me at current time.

Quote From Splinterlands Team

The data we’ve been looking at shows that players who come in through the NFTy Arcade Gateway platform stay around much longer and purchase far more packs and cards on the market, on average, than players who come in through any other means.

The cards in the packs will be delegated and the Splinterlands team has gone on record saying they will never sell any of the cards. Rewards that Splinterlands earns from renting out these decks will be burned or used for later promotions. For those who don't know NFTy Arcade is a business that provides rental decks for new and existing customers. Some good news for those who are Anti-bot: The NFTy Arcade platform has a strict no-bot policy for its services which allows Splinterlands to ensure that all of these decks will go to human players around the world. For more details visit the official announcement post linked here: @splinterlands/splinterlands-to-utilize-chaos-legion-packs-for-deck-creation-on-the-nfty-arcade-platform

Chaos Legion

The time in which one will be able to purchase Chaos Legion packs directly from Splinterlands is coming to an end sooner than you might think. We still have the 25,000 daily burn of packs which is quickly dwindling the available supply. Now we also have 500,000 additional packs that will be removed and utilized on the NFTy Arcade Platform. Currently we have just 1.75 Million Chaos Legion Packs Left for sale on the official marketplace. I suspect we are getting dangerously close to end of pack sale FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) kicking in. Once those 500,000 packs are removed and the visual effect of such an action hits I suspect the beginning of that FOMO to take place. Meaning, if you were planning on purchasing Chaos Legion Packs directly from Splinterlands the time to do so is now as there might be none left for purchase later.

What Is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a blockchain game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets. Click here to get started with Splinterlands.

DEC-B Goes Live Today!

DEC-B will go live today (Wednesday, Feburary 8th, at 1:00 PM ET / 18:00 UTC). The sale is scheduled to run for 60 days or until all 2B DEC-B tokens are sold out, whichever comes first. DEC-B will be purchasable by burning either 0.8 DEC or 0.005 VOUCHER tokens per DEC-B. Keep in mind that DEC-B will be non-transferable. Meaning you will not be able to trade your DEC-B as the token is meant to be used for in game purposes. Another important note for DEC-B is that the Splinterlands team will not be able to refund any purchases for the token. This is because all DEC and/or VOUCHERS used to purchase DEC-B will be burned. To read the most recent update that Splinterlands put out regarding DEC-B please click on the following link: @splinterlands/dec-batteries-sale-begins-soon

Side Note:

Nearly 7 Million USD in prizes has been given out in Splinterland tournaments. This is something that doesn't get talked about enough.




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